Acum 15 ani
8 ian. 2009
Prophecies Of The Dying
Salig Er Den Som Lir
Salig skal han vere han som lir...
Som ei er kledt i det bleike Ijos av dag
Salig skal han vere han som tyrster
i hug etter visdom
Med mektig song skal me hylle hass minne...
Taarer fraa Den Skuldlause dei fall ned paa
den kolde og nakne jord
Og der saman med dei er han dømd til aa vandre
Lik eit vitnesbyrd om Deira skam...
Eg let mitt andlet vaskast av mine bitre taarer
for dei var eg ikkje meir enn ei byrd
inntil slutten (som eg no staar kledt i)
Me er odden paa hass sverd
som stikk saa djupt i kjot
Me er styrken i hass slag som knuser veike skallar
Me er smerten Dei kan kjenne
medan Dei fell inn i det djupe og kolde
Kan du sjaa sorgen i auga vaara?
No!...Doy i skuggen av di onde daad...
Salig skal han vere han som lir...
Som ei er kledt i det bleike Ijos av dag
Salig skal han vere han som tyrster
i hug etter visdom...
Salig er den som lir...
Prophecies Of The Dying - Kundalini (Serpent Power)
Hide from the curious,
Hide from the coward
Your safety's in secrecy
And found means dead
Born in Babylon
By the bloody veins of fate...
The great seer saw the arms talk
The blades darkened by blood
He saw from the temples top
The fall of the towers
He cried when the young man fell on his knees
Hand on his wound...
He climbed the stairs of the temple
And heard the sound of copper bells
Echoing through the endless halls
He saw the black flowers bloom
And felt the rising of shadows
Deep within his own mind...
A day of wind and rain
An infinity of endless space
Cosmic strobes forming patterns
Only he could see
Drowned in tideless pools
No haven for his mind
He sailed the depths of apathy alone...
"Can't you hear it
Hear the serpent wail
Come with me
I'll leave with the tide
My path leads to darkness
I hope we'll meet on the way..."
Prophecies Of The Dying - Part II
Here all alone I sow the seeds of sadness
for only me to reap
For the ache I fell in my heart is far too strong
for any man to bear.
Moonlight drank the tears of my grieving sorrow
and for those who cursed me on my path beyond sanity
They all became my shadow...
For I entered their hearts like the serpent entered paradise..
The smell of flowers dead witnessing the birth of my death
My body covered by black flies tearing my soul apart...
Cursed by harsh words spitting from a cleft tongue
Hurts like mad dogs tearing at my flesh.
Bleeding memories so painful to remember that I cannot rest
Flowing like a dark river of sin...
O'how I try to be among them all
But I'm so afraid
For I have seen what their eyes cannot see...
Innocence ripped away at the proclaim of its birth
All human dignity has been torn away
- Their stinking breath
and their need of playing the role performing (their) lifeless
acts in honour of their worthless god...
I am waiting for the day
when the sun will burn our selfish dreams to ashes grey
Only then will we see what we all have become...
Passionate dreams...
Driven by despair - Do I live in death?
Your feeble cries echo like sweet music in my ears
A tragic symphony where I find pleasure...
I will cleanse your soul with my blood so that all loveless
beauty may wither
With me...
What is this touch of a nocturnal sphere I feel caressing me?
I wear your hidden shadow wherever I may wander...
I bear the mask of the face of death
A dark reflection of what is surrounding us
But still they spit me in the face
and curse the ground on which I walk,
pouring salt into my wounds -A plague never ending
I turn and walk away
with bitter tears in my eyes...
Now this mighty beast has awakened.
Troubled waters, once of purest innocence, to wash over the land.
Rivers of madness - boiling with blood
- Hatred and poison to nourish the ground.
None shall survive, in floods of sin we drown...
Then, with the pride we throw away their masks of beauty
The painful writings in the skin so pale
telling us they suffer the same wounds as we do...
- This love never dies -
A Divine Tragedy
What is this tragic and severe symphony that I hear, called love?
So macabre in lust and yet so sweet and delightful in its taste
It leaves my poor heart as a bleak shadow overwhelmed by the cursed darkness.
In mourn imprisoned forever strangled by own hands. I beg thee;
Please blow my candle - The source of my mortal life.
And bless me with the gift so that I may end all this with me...
Now I witness decay for I am the one who withers...
My bleeding wounds are rotting with a stench o'so disgraceful
Teeth and claws are sunken deep into my flesh
Nails are thrusted inot (my) palms and feet...
Am I to carry the burden of those who betrayed me and my feelings?...
before their sickening eyes and in front of mine...
Cursed by thee, fool, who claims to false words,
for liar follows liar, both in act and in tounge.
Indifference of existence - this pattern thou hast created
it sparkles in its weakness...
Already immortal without even having had to live
Existing to bee seen, yes; but only as the creator decides...
We die in a circle of despite
An endless roundabout around our worthless aspects
Only awaiting extinction...
A gray teared face awaits the cold lips of death
Which at last shall draw my final breath...
Enchanted By The Serpent Spell
Enchanted by the serpent spell that is casting murky spectres
To glide slowly across the shimmering crystal lake
Once created of a young man's sorrow
The sadness in his tears...
Scorned is the heart of a man who murders with passion to
satisfy his lust macabre.
He devours the pure untouched flesh of innocence
While wetting the ground with his scarlet tears
A living monument of his bloody art...
An artist of deadly creations
extinction of Man has yet to come,
so passive and proud to hear the screams of everlasting torment.
Emotions cold and dead as stone
He is licking the burning scars he has created
as if they were his masterpiece
He sips to the blood as if it was wine of finest age...
The sense of ungodly presence grows stronger for each night
that lays its cold veil upon his mind
A visual spectre of Man's creation...
Caressed now is my lifeless face
so that I may cut the strings of life forever.
Embrace the beauty of my sorrow
with this weeping hands of your.
The strength of your anger
makes distant memories come clawing back
A face of horror identical to mine...
A tortured individual poisoned by its surroundings
Ridden by guilt for acts I have not even committed.
The moaning masses will hunt me forever till' the day I die...
Now I feel it's closing in...
Thy Passionate Despair
And I wonder
Through bleeding eyes I stare and behold
Paralysed of those that carry the burden
of Her on their tired backs...
(As I weep...)
Broken and wounded by the love they held so high
When their realms were still proud and mighty
Banners held high against a blackened sky
In blasphemy they dance in front of my eyes
No love will ever dwell within the torn shape that is me...
A pitiful beggar before thee I stand
My sorrow I can no longer - hide within my eyes
Deep and dark are the ways to my scorned heart
But unchain me, and I will be yours forevermore...
Let me dream
Breed on my misery
Art thou the answer to my depressions
and my sense of growing misantropy?
Let me bathe in the crystal lakes of your tears
for they shine O'so beautiful...
Yet still gleaming of sorrow they are...
O'how I long for these realms where I (once again)
can be equal among kings...
My body once gifted with such tender and beautiful youth
Now painted with the grim colours of death
"Waste-Dweller - Why do you spin your spell?"
Open me...
Kiss me...
And drink from my scars
Embrace me eternally...
The Mirror's Opposite End
When The Sky Touched The Earth
Behold the Continents as they Sink into the Waves
A New Generation seeking to Enslave the Last Free Souls
And Rebuild them after their own Distorted Images
We still stand with Lips sealed as they tear down our World
Still dreaming of the Age when the Otherworlds were closer.
When the Sky touched the Earth
Deep down inside a Body Corrupting fertile Soil, something is moving
It is being sung through Me ..And My Lips Whisper the Words
We place the Masks on and Wander Down the Spirit Road
Following the glowing Threads through the Void
A Dark Well from Whose depths a Gentle Greenish Glow emants
Descending into it in our Vision until We Sink beneath its Waters,
Deep down into the Great Below ...Flying over meadow, river and dale
Down into the Netherworld
Three seeds thrown down into the Silver Womb
Seven stars lights the Path to Extinction
Blinded Eyes see all Nature of Fiery Truth
Falling back into Stone ...Falling back unto (Your) Spear
Just like Me you are made of Flesh and Blood
Still you say you will Heal My Wounds and Cleanse My Soul
But This Soul is not for you to take but for Myself to keep!
Is there Wisdom in your words when the words Spoken are not even your own?
If this is your Way of Salvation
I Will Not Listen...
In Passion Swept
"And Death shalt come to Rid the Filth of the Earth
To Separate the Liar from the Wise..."
I Drown in Thoughts; What is the Reason for My Existence?
Pleasures seem only to be Enjoyed by Those who sense no Guilt
Not even the Cruelest Love can be this hard
Solemn Youth I Witness once Crying; now Dying in Dreams
As We Struggle to be Awakened
The Heat on our Lips has Burned the Passion away from Our Hearts...
Sense the Flames Embracing the Two of us as
We stand Calm sunken Beneath a Soulless Chaos...
Watching our Empire Falling into Ruins...
I Caress the Soil the Remains of my Past
And my Crystals Darken with Tears
Try to Breath Your Sardonic Harmony into my World of Grief
and You will Kill What's left of Me!
The Fundament to My Existence is now, but an Empty Shell
No longer of Flesh and Spirit... No Salvation Found through Harmless Joy
For the Fear of Death dwells within the Eyes of Every Mortal Man
Growing stronger for every Hour Passing
Spinning our Destinies Together like the Greatest of All Tragedies...
Sorrow offers Compassion but what is Compassion Worth?
"Looking back at the Memories I Realize
What I Sought Cannot Be Found"
Watching as the Walls of the City (of Dreams) Crumbles into Dust
Every Pagan Wiped away by the Sword of the Righteous
In Tears I Realize that there is nothing more to Conquer
Chained to Mortality ...Now exposed to Eternity
Gazing at the Sky screaming; How can You do this to Me?
Leaving Me Faceless to the World...A Target for Every Arrow
Pointing at Me From every Shadow, slowly dissolving,
Becoming one with the Earth...
Dragged through the Streets by Angry Hands, A Soul trapped at the Threshold
Ashes Spread on a River...
An Instrument in the Hands of a god Singing; "Why pick Flowers for the Dead?"
I've Burned the Bridges behind Me, Leaving no Retreat
All I have Left is the Dust From A Thousand Dreams, not even Mine,
I am merely a drop of Water, in an Everflowing Stream....
You see the World through Dead Eyes... Sleeping through the Ages
Gazing at the Earth From a Distant Star
Knowing that what You see has already Happened... You are My Lord of Flies
The Dead who carved for Life...I know not why they lie there Floating
The lie there Devoid of Thought ..Bereft of Life and Drowned in Sorrow
You are the Lord of Flies
The Bane of Mankind is all that He is until He dies,
is a Pawn that is expected to live by the Lies of Tradition
Existing only as Flies crushed by a Mighty Hand
You are the Lord of Flies
The Sins Of Man
O'Lord of such splendour and noble art
Heed now My prayers: Please save your Children from those who live to betray us
and whose Acts aim at our Mother in such a Destructive Manner
For the Sins by Man created even My own dreams bring Me Seductive Lies
And I am slowly drowning within the Darkened Waters of My Weakened Soul...
Nail Me to the Earth
and Bless Me with Rest in Her Embrace
For the Fatality of My Insecureness
Unveils My Greater Characters
Behold; now the Colour Fades From My Eyes!
The Greatest Gift of All
And I sense not being a part of it
In My Arms I Hold The Weeping Body of Christ
The Mirror that Reflects this Tragedy
I Serve called Life....
Seek not Your Pity in Me For I can only speak for Myself
I Bleed Sickness through the Pores of My Imagination
And with The World I Burn...
Painting the Visions of My Fever through Blood and Broken Glass
Now My Anger Struggles beneath My Thoughts
For Dying Before the Eyes of a 'Blind King' am I
The Red Whine I so Carefully Sipped to
(With all Loving Passion)
Never could it still My Thirst for Divine Fulfillment...
Salvation Mother
O'Withering I May Be
For Deeply Wounded I Surely am
I am the Father of all your Sins
But still I am the Mother to Your Salvation...
"There is a wind that blows between the worlds. It screams silently through the empty
places travelling from nowhere to nowhere in the uncreated wastes... I am so cold..."
Father grant Me Wings and let Me return to You
Abandoned from a Grace I cannot Comprehend
Give Me Wisdom so that I can see where I failed
Snow is only cold on Bare Skin; Why won't you Shelter Me
A Tiny Piece of the Soul that inherits all the Earth... Is that why I Live?
Then remember this: Divinity in Truth is Lies!
I never decided what to be... My Life will not colour your Creation
Because Monochrome is the true God
Manifested in Endless Veins we are, a steady Pulseflow
Dark Blood from an open mouth... Your eyes are lifeless,
Yet still they penetrate Flesh and bone... Staring at a Heart filled with conceit
I recognize Human evil in every word you have said... How can we be expected to believe?
Distant voices, Thousand of voices whispering through the Void
"In the beginning", they say, "In the beginning there was only the great self
Reflecting, it found nothing but itself".
Hear what I say to You; the Dark River bears only our Sorrow,
forever flowing through the Ages, the only heritage for our Children
We are the Slaves pulling the Wheel of the Heart,
pumping more dark water through the veins and into the River...
I feel the Pulse Thundering inside Me, like bells on My Dying Day
I Look back and see only one Single Path stretching out behind Me
I look ahead and see nothing but Darkness...
The Paths are long, and even in Death there seems to be no ending to them...
"Do not expect much at the end of the world"
The 9th Sphere
Cascading Black Waters Look to the Sea Horizon
Behold the Cleansing Wave Wall Released
Into Sweet Oblivion Perished... Swept away
Escape this Dimension to Herald the Other...
Such Divinity could it be Conceived?
Gracefully drowning in the Sadness Chalice
Given where the Shimmering Skies to soar
At the Beginning of a Journey ..Ascending to the Spheres
Flocking as always around a Spiteful Monument
Being that of the Self Image
A Quest for Immortality suceeding only in Proving Futility
Celestial Silence Greeting... the Mirror's Opposite End
Through Acknowledgement reaching Wisdom
Grandure seeking... Dearth of Compassion
Cyclopean Hubris... Never to aspire to Grandness
Knowledge plundering through Ancestor Wisdom
To any extent I cannot know it all
Cosmos Thou art Chaos
Mortality conceived thee Orderly
Then only the Chill Void remains
Echoing with all Grief
Rendering Me Fulfillment bereft
...Not even in own Eyes Significant...
Call Of The Horned Piper - The Sabbat Song
Sleep is waking, waking sleep,
We Ride the Broom across the Deep,
Fair is foul and Foul is Fair
By bee and cat, by hound and hare,
The Living die and Dying live
We turn the Shears and the Sieve,
Light is Darkness and Darkness Light
to Farers through the Mystic night,
Up is down and Down is Up
To Seekers of the Cauldron Cup,
Lords are Churls and Churls are Lords
We leap across the Bridge of Swords,
Birth is Death and Death is Birth
We Thread the Paths Beneath the Earth,
Bride is Hag and Hag is Bride
Between the Times We Rage and Ride,
Day is Night and Night is Day
For Farers on the Witching Way...
The Leaper Play
Father; Why hast Thou forsaken me?
Here I Weep in gracious woe
Under your Promised Heaven
In this Season of Darkness
Where the Blind leads the Way
To a Scorned Idol I must Confess
Your Prophets were they Deceivers
Preachers of a Forgotten Faith?
They all fell Bloodied unto the Earth
With their Hands Covering their Eyes from the Masses
Can you Remember the Ashes, mingled with dust
That once was mentioned with names by a Thousand Tongues?
Did they se behind the veils that hid your Dying Masks?
Did they se the tears Drying on our Faces
That for far to long has Sheltered
The Atrocities of the Human mind?
This Pathetic Sight of Children
Starving on their hopes
Clinging to the Naked Body of their Mother
Whipped to the Ground...
O'Lord what hast thou given us?
For our Sights has grown dim...
You created this mockery called Human!
Too weak to Crawl - Too proud to Fall
Beneath all Scarlet Tragedies
Lies the Hidden Strength of Man but still,
Blinded by the Eyes of Confusion...
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