8 ian. 2009


Kronet Til Konge A Slakte Gud Jeg lette I asken og fant... rester av liv som dode her slik de skal do igjen Vi venter na talmodig Over taketinder og gammel jord Seilende pa nattens skyer spottende pa liv uten hjem talmodig I vente pa Hans komme For sa a fare, og aldri komme igjen Tindrende oyne I et hapefullt blikk Slokkes fort fra brennende varme til is Nar SVERDET star dypt I kjottet og sarende aldri gror slik jeg har lidd under menneske tronen Den som skal legges I grus Med det hat skal jeg hevne de tider Da mennesket var dodelig, og jeg vandret blandt dem Fra dunkle rike under frosthimmelens natte morke Bringes dod med hver en Satans skromt nar svarte-hjems sonner kommer ridende Til vart oppdrag endelig er fullfort sa var fryd og fred er uten ende over de sjeler av Guds lys. __________ En Krig A Seire Tornede veier hvor minner farer od hviskes vekk Forvitret som gammel stein Aldri shulle vi legge det bak oss Aldri skulle vi glemme Det var allerede borte, slik en vandrers totefar med tiden dor, og follede hender var blodig saret De udodelige, De av slikt gammelt liv som oss, salet til en siste ferd for sa a fortrede for djervt et hjerte tjent av sonners kamp og lidelse Blomstrende yngel som la der og ventet Slik kraft vi tar og styrkes Tatt av de som slipte var klinge med fortvilelse og jamring De stolte som reiste seg og kastet ildfuglen Som har tjent Han og seiret De skygge som kastes fra Satans flamme og kvalte de fro som tok form Har endet sin tid, og lengter aldri mere dit Da Vi er av hans sorte storm som la det bak oss for all tid od alle de minner som kunne reise et hjerte av lys Og sa med natten vi sa lenge ventet pa kosmos' krig Der, var riket vi horte kalle, og som alltid sa I kast med tusen drommer slik vi har skapt det Har var dod formet bilde for oss a regjere... Og slipt de vapen som dypt vil skjaere og aldri lege sar Vi plantet var fot og befridd oss fra lyset og ingen skal mere vake over de liv __________ Jesu Blod De skulle foprvare en trone og dommedags juvelen svant I slummer av falne kar Jeg la min sovne I is For en erindrings skalkede veier apnet utallige minner og gledet tolv disippler med apenbaring av Guds livskraft Sa skromtet alle svarte tanker og erobret deres vei med tornede byrder og hammerslag som naglet deres herre Jeg hymnet alle rode draper for me selv og mine skalder Hans blod som skjenket morkets trone en uovervinnelig allmektighet Knus fienden og hans veier og barn Jeg har sadd min svarte hær og slept en tone av smerte og plantet det I menneske-sjelen sa seier boltrer oss En kamp pa jord, en kamp I kosmos Jeg viser vei... Med mennesketidens hat og nag kommer vi med Dommedag. __________ Midnattsskogens Sorte Kjerne Taus som graven siger skodden vat og mork mot skogen Legger seg olmt til rette sa, og hvisker kald og tett Alvefolk og tuss og troll I rad De vadrer frem I denna senhost, morke natt lusker hver en vett for a gi seg hen I nattens vandring gjenom skog og mark, hvor stillhet rader For fred er makt og styrke der hvor taken herjer fritt For lumsk er Den, sa hver en sjel ser frelsens dunkle trone apne seg I fjernt et syn Dithen Vi drar skritt for skritt Dit hvor dette kuldemorket og frihet rader mektig Der tilvaerelsen vil apne seg for evige nattens-timer Der aldri solen reiser seg og torker tort hvert blad Der hvor dommedagens bjeller Henger pa Hans borg og kimer Men en takferd ma gjemme seg natten star pa hell Og solen titter avskyselig opp mellom hoye og bratte fjell Dog en tid skal komme hvor man styrter lysets sete Og alle alle dens disipler skal fortvilet I morket lete Soke efter en lysets gud som morkets tjenere da har drept Og pinefullt skal de straffes for sin uvinnelige darenskap Fellen tradde De I selv da de provde a felle deb sorte horden Pines I all evighet som uverdiga slaver av Satans orden __________ Kuldeblest Over Evig Isode Stormens endelose kulde over evige vidder av et tomt og mektig isode Tynger ensomhetens morke vinternatt et hjerte og en svunnen sjel En jordig vandrer stopper opp for alle siste gang Han er beseiret av vinterblestens nadelse herjing Et vintervelde lagd av sno sa langt som oyet ser Har na satt sitt spor I han for aldri mere skal han hetes Ustanselig faller frossent regn og begraver snart hvert hans spor Et legeme faller sa derpa og dekkes til av et snolagt ode Det goldtstragte landskap Hans siste kjodelige hvilested Star til dommedag full av pine I tomme og stille tideverv Intet og dod __________ Kronet Til Konge Stundom... Stundom, ser vi Deres hjemkomst, Hit hvor ondskap rader ...tidlost og slik fryd det er a knuse bit av deres tyngende sjeler En foleselse for hoy en makt-Et uttryck dannes der... ...olmt Og styrker sine sonner, for med Han er vi ett... - mot Dem Armert med evighetens manneske-sorh Boddeler av natten for a pine liv av Guds tapte trone... makt... ord... ...tidlost Dommens rost har talt, alt som var er vekk. alle tarer, all smerte, all glede, all frykt Alt Liv, kjott og blod Vi hersker I vart rike Over Dem ...tidlost Alle falt dithen pa torturens Gardes sverd. Pines Allmektig er han som kronet er. som na er kronet ...tidlost Kronet til konge For evig, for alltid __________ Mournful, Yet And Forever In the wind of evil eyes I watched every frozen star surrounding a dyong sun Twilight climbing up so high show me all your glory and guide me on the road Winds of ages tragedies saw its steam Blazed higher than all those gloryful armies encouraged by the sun A mournful touch, flies with the past sound And the blade of the high priest A conqueror held his sword for a mightful battle, and years to come Let's sail the cold togheter to your heart, my night And challenge them in these years of brightness Hungering, my love I saw its eyes His... Yet in stained dozes of the chamber And walked with us through time... and them for these angels that laid to rest and kissed the hallowed lands Kiss the blood and die with me... Into uncountable milleniums Gave their stoned soul, and condemmed our waste Who was never to be repealed Gather so they see and walk with them to submission of eternal pain For a higher law, saw them all die I settled for the odious to see My dark and hateful eternity __________ Nar Vi Har Dolket Guds Hjerte Sa tetnet taken til sist Sa vandrer vi endelig til Dodheimsgard. Tilvaerelsens morkeste elementer har stenket jorden med en gravskjendig ild. Jaget av lyset inn I tusener av morke ar har darenskap av menneskers lavmal havnet Forst sa grat vi, men sa drakk vi, og frydes na over smerten de ma lide Hvorhen, sa fortumlet samler de seg, under Jahves undertrykkende trone. Evighetens herskende fader har for dem gjort glede til sorg. For himmelen har brutt sammen, dithen vil de ikke finne vei. For vi har drevet vekk den gode, gjennom den ypperste og hoyeste makt. Senket himmelens motbydelige glans. Og sa vent hjem til det ulme, morke dyp. Som en hird av sortsjelede riddere, ikledd den evige natts take. Styrket av den belge sol, og doden over de som provde a felle oss. En fratsende stank av rattent blod, av himmelens styrtede sonner. Dunster opp fra fortapelsens avgrunn. Vi gremmes over deres lyse minner, men hyller deres dod __________ Starcave, Depths And Chained Slumbering in swamps drowned my purest power for centuries to see a dawn to come I watch it every step it takes as it grabs mu thorned soul coiled in black ulcers wounded to feel the pain in joy Wounded to stand the suffering and see them be condemned for ever Hurt to grow black scars to show them all our might See them come in bloody streams formed by living satanic dreams The sound of humans poundering heart that stole so many precious moments is stabbed to silence, and turned to wonder For us, sounds of lovely pain. A touch of death stains their souls Above where angles dwelled Above all might defenced of life and whom in every man shall be remembered Buried in a bloodred doom No end shall find a key to set them free and relieve their burdens Nothing is to be forgiven __________ When Heavens End Glance so far up in the pyre as flames hunts heaven high it's brought forth, a long awaited illusion of burning merciless hate. And time shreds in pain and hear a drop of golden hymns to those heroes who grought glory and hope to all those rasesof men A longing... for bright, forever ...feed with Gods love So, they see this revelation so dearly they trusted thier king as they thought they where engraved in his courage A weak, pityful army... ...against the horned lord Slaved are they beneath the spear which reigns of diabolical power Heavens dwan they faced A shattered dream in viced pupose for those of heaven light a black cut on every limb a hunting dusk on every mind God is dethroned and all his children dressed in white will lick the cosmic nightsky dripping of heavens blood The fury is ours, all might and glory united with him eternally Hail, Hail my majesty Hail Satan, my honour is for you Monumental Possession Utopia Running Scarlet The lurker in the green sea shades of a moving object riches, the temple that approaches haunts my wishes of this insanity gorgeous console I place there my claws those who once ripped out my eyes I need no longer human senses Feel it how this can torture the wagon with imaginations scary glimpses with dreadful outlines things I wish not to see Slaughtering my dearest throne We will not be affected by this for the blood of time has fornicated Our minds, our shell my only shelter the dreamt with delight I see my options and I choose the tunnel see what my winged crayons have painted Let me shed a tear and give birth to my sea The only life is death __________ The Crystal Specter Speak of the armer forgotten by reality speak of the pearls in crossing unnatural fragments Perplex in a mortal disguise suddenly awared Forbidden alowements in my mindwar functioning like the scissors cut the tall ones Due to hunger not in flesh high as the spears was present always Cause it wanted me to feel life without life reborning the slaves nevertheless dispersal of ironstakes to have becomed itself... disinfection The dragon of blasphemy many others came but all in one theres a lot more My invisible self has brought to me a circle to roam __________ Bluebell Heart The scares we prayed for and was given to rape the mission of the impaled desiples and worship him again We nailed the enemy dream hopefully and fear the rest for we look upon the toombs and dance so they see... we woke it sweapt in shiny sacreligious for fading light and its Lord wondering how the wishes spoke Weak and wise has left and touched the shade of my tempted ones dance on the sheppards shadow and the heretic eyes who saw the sun Kept his secret, always We believed in those of such poems as grace has left its mark an error on our dark illusions we walk by them for a soul to open Its power saw us grow as they lay there rotting in the hands of God The storm has driven with fury, fall.... again and again for noble halls, screaming... we heard and spoke to them for no comforting words to give We were the shields When the ancient dwelled in us and we killed their nextborn in the thronehall Sons of God die with your once beauty and feel the blood runs faster Ages... Brighter then they seemed and held their withered roses a sign of a dying God It saw it bells of them Possess Me!!! __________ Monumental Possession In this undeadly raven eyes layes winterstones of buried flesh once held high by mortal men holy and miserable Then on my next gravethrone I choose the thoughts for each colour thrown upon lovly wall for graceful visions and dreams In the tunnel through fantasy and madness trancemagic of my dimension silent as the grave By every passing curl is each the shadows beneath my glorious creations Is my highest immortal like the roses feared or have the flute played us false tunes in broken glass __________ Fluency Oblivion owned to live he had never seen his coffin and what was made from there he had never tasted his tears Can we trespass now Never dream again cause this world became the dreams surely he would wonder about his steps would always remember the past What past? Times... (He would strive on and on collecting his peace entangled in crayons the most valuable of all) Out of the dismal mist covering the crown he stands like a sculpture in a flowered garden black and enameled roses Can this forsakened deem lay its hand on the final grasp __________ Angel Death Here I was in a distant vision see me come see me come like a wolf in the wind to tear this world apart See me in the gate in another mirror laying far above the surface and from here I come the vanishing of mercy See me come like a wolf in the wind with the whine of my star reflect your shape and your one with the pain for in my sword I hide the thruth See me come a demon in the storm pissing on your dreams Armageddon builds a newborn dimension for kings and angel slaves This sun wakened your time has come total destruction armageddon!!! The sword is grinded Angel death I said to myself can you memorize come home with the eyes where you draw your thorn to the lords above make sure they are ready dead already ignorant fools The sword is grinded Angel death Solemnity! __________ Lost In Faces Am I What is forsakened canyons of heaven my passage only marble the insight give me back I know where you have been drink my acid the wavy lake of dispear Facing the reflex the eyes of death unity, mental extacy metallic vains I am highlife naked it has no longer flesh The God was untolerated no redeem of it's palace I took another turn I mingeled with the spirits made pale as ever before I brought into my own light He could have called me Lucifer eat my movements For whom the glue slips down on croshed to the star Drops of gold like those who once were gray This is not a black world The noises departure of a soul, released moving, moving meet me on the moon Enraptured in astral creations Unholy distortion holy for him black atonements shifting the grief __________ The Ultimate Reflection Over a crystal landscape we formed the living creatures and made you wonder spiteful alien warriors Kill, they said and twisted into enigmatic survival engulfed by supreme art and a thousand bloody covenants for intolerants and hate Threatened ten by ten that warmed the growing seed fulfilling the heart of light I hold the holy in my hands and all its lifeforms ...Death... Sown into my darkest hour darkest spirit, roams with us in moonlight dance, the starlight waltz I grant myself a state of life Your mountain seemed so high to climb where I held the light of another world through the dreamworld cyclone and rest forever more... Satanic Art Traces Of Reality Confronted with his realm the executioner who erased his feeble abscess The fear of fright and a powersource beyond his common reach It slayed him self in devotion and resistance One for each defeat The image, reflections, casted from him self The human and his ideal Blessed by the superior, who faced himself; faced his fear Ravished his mind in triumphant attack and came far more closer to his king In the traces of reality he returned with the knowledge of his present being and what reality brought in the absence of common sense Only when his needs are granted his mind can start to absorb the traces of reality Who never knew of and would see as dreams For somewhere they will fall apart Sometimes they do But heals fast so they can fall again and be disturbed by the faces inside him self The ones he fear the most Did... A day will come? When Belial get his surprise and the fool becomes crippled Reality - larger than mans illusions or is it me? __________ Symptom Wonder do they stride at all who bore him over her glistening ground I wonder, do I sense the breath of dragons, steering sound I catch the gust with my hands like an open bowl and hope the beast never stills the wailing of his mould I wonder, does it pour me something opaque in mirrormere and grace this that has lasted for quite some time will it last throughout all days The sound turns undressed back to me like beryls floating in a wide stream I wonder is this the final chance to fulfill the golden steem The sound of finches ledged to the skin defy this pledged cry never has it really leaned to me as a burden or an obvious lie I wonder if her silver horns bestow poison into my chalice for I feel the stains like I've been touched, though wounded not from foreign malice Be with me and feel with me the sketch of your enchanting sky so I can hold you in my arms tight until the day I die

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