Acum 15 ani
16 ian. 2009
Black metal este un gen muzical care a aparut în perioada de început a anilor 1980, precedând marea expansiune a stilurilor de metal “extrem”. Black metal-ul a evoluat din thrash metal, la fel ca si genul death metal, cu care se înrudeste.
Exista doua perspective asupra acestui gen muzical. Una are în vedere black metal-ul ca o forma foarte specifica de muzica si care trebuie sa abordeze un anumit stil pentru a face parte din acest gen. Cealalta considera ca versurile si ideologia filozofica, politica si religioasa a muzicii au o mai mare importanta în definirea genului decât stilul.
Principalii fondatori ai black metal-ului sunt considerati Venom (care erau o trupa de thrash metal, însa au definit conceptual genul prin lansarea albumului Black Metal în 1982), Mercyful Fate, Bathory, Hellhammer, Bulldozer, Celtic Frost si Mayhem. Primele albume care sunau a ceea ce este astazi considerat black metal au fost înregistrarile Bathory de la mijlocul anilor 1980 (în special Under the Sign of the Black Mark).
Black metal a evoluat în forma actuala (cunoscuta ca al doilea val black metal, care este mult mai puternic ancorat în teoria muzicala clasica) sub influenta trupelor norvegiene ca Darkthrone, Enslaved, Burzum, Mayhem, Immortal, si Emperor, care au început în stilul clasic, primar, introducând apoi anumite elemente din metalul mainstream si muzica clasica, astfel popularizând tot mai mult genul în rândul unei audiente underground în continua crestere. Influenta acestora se remarca cel mai bine la nivelul imaginii satanice sau pagâne si al versurilor anticrestine sau cu tenta oculta.
In Romania scena black metalului este reprezentata de Negura Bunget, Argus Megere, Vokodlok, Ordinul Negru, Codru, Cursed Cemetary, Satanochio, etc.
Exista anumite trasaturi specifice genului black metal. Riffuri rapide, cu tremolo. Versuri care au de obicei teme oculte, satanice, pagâne, sau care denigreaza crestinismul ca religie. Aceasta nu e o caracteristica exclusiv black metal, asemenea teme întâlnindu-se si în death metal (Deicide, Immolation, Acheron) sau thrash metal (Slayer). Sunetul chitarei este fie subtire, fie gros, atingând rar zona medie. Productie intentionat de slaba calitate, ca o reactie la comercialitatea muzicii mainstream sau alteori ca o reflexie atmosferica a starii de spirit. Acest efect se obtine taind frecventele înalte sau joase, lasându-le doar pe cele medii. Foarte putini dintre pionierii black metal mai fac acest lucru, deoarece slaba calitate a primelor albume era cauzata în mare parte de bugetul restrâns. Tobe rapide, agresive, deseori se foloseste tehnica blast beat. Câteodata rolul lor este minimalizat, încetinirea acestora contribuind la obtinerea unui sunet uscat, pustiu, de efect în special în ceea ce priveste atmosfera muzicala. Folosirea ocazionala a claviaturii electronice si a harpei, viorii, orgii sau ansamblurilor corale, care confera muzicii o senzatie orchestrala. Formatiile care folosesc aceste tehnici sunt etichetate de regula ca apartinând de black metal melodic. Voce înalta, distorsionata, tipând sumbru. Se foloseste uneori si vocea groasa, joasa, specifica stilului death metal. Atmosfera rece, întunecata, melancolica sau tulbure.
Înregistrarea de joasa fidelitate e specifica în mare parte din black metal. Evolutia unora dintre vechile formatii de black metal, adevarati lideri ai genului, a adus o mare schimbare în sunetul acestora, ajungând chiar sa nu mai fie catalogati în genul care i-a consacrat. Un exemplu ar fi Mayhem, formatie a carei cariera e înradacinata într-un black metal influentat de death metal, continuând cu un black curat, în final revenind la death metal. De asemenea, Satyricon a debutat ca o trupa de black metal, însa la momentul de fata cânta un hibrid de muzica industriala. Noile trupe incorporeaza în sunetul clasic elemente atmosferice, date de chitara ambientala, pasaje de clape, orga, precum si alte instrumente.
O alta trasatura specifica este folosirea de machiaj tip corpse paint, un machiaj alb-negru, care face purtatorul sa semene cu un cadavru în descompunere sau cu o victima a ciumei, membrii formatiei Immortal se refereau la machiajul lor ca vopsire a fetei în culori de razboi.
O alta caracteristica a black metal-ului este utilizarea pseudonimelor, primele formatii care au apelat la ele fiind :Venom (componenta initiala îi cuprindea pe Cronos, Mantas si Abbadon). Exemplele sunt numeroase: Quorthon (Bathory), Darken (Graveland), Euronymous (Mayhem), Goat, Count Grishnackh (Burzum), Fenriz (Darkthrone), Nergal, Inferno (Behemoth), Zephyrous (Darkthrone), Abbath, Demonaz, Horgh (Immortal), Iscariah, Hellhammer, Maniac, Necrobutcher, Blasphemer, Dead (Mayhem), Hoest, Ihsahn, Samoth, Faust, Trym (Emperor), Nattefrost (Carpathian Forest) si altii.
13 ian. 2009
Hammer Revelation
A depiction of the lamb, the lion, deplorably portrayed.
The beast, the dragon, as in shadowy imagery,
have the power to take away peace on earth.
The threshold's here as the sun turns black,
the moon red like blood and stars falling down.
Babylon falling, the last of the antagonistic battles,
the madman chained for a thousand of years.
Use your eyes and you will see it, bright and shining.
A moment of your time, a glimpse of your (brave) new world
Your revelation, in apocalyptic terms,
the hammer, separating fiction from reality.
Embrace the notion, embrace the moment.
Who are the ones to tell the truth,
who are the ones to tell what to believe?
The depiction is therefore all you`ve got.
The hammer is mine, the revelation is yours.
Am I God or am I the Devil?
It`s a comprehensible, yet complex, reality,
because it means that when the past has caught up with the present,
we have no future.
Deduced To Overkill
Ultra death, hardcore trash; give me your call.
Holy death, in presence of which I gave you it all
Conformity through terror, rapture through restrain.
It's like putting your life all down the drain.
Godflesh; how do you cope?
A leap out of faith, time to find the rope.
Deadmeat; look into my eyes,
how could you possibly believe the lies?
Deduced to Overkill, defunct totality.
An abstract netherworld with no absence of fundamentality.
It is where you will be.
Existentialism - living hell - condemned to be free
Chaos Deathcult
Esoteric knowledge about the last of things.
My sweet eschatological vision.
Foundation for the renewal of the world,
immemorial sins, never redeemed.
Suppressed, oppressed, never redeem again.
The sulphur-kingdom, purgatory, hell`s damnation,
no man will be perditioned for all time.
Where is your millennium?
Where is your kingdom of a thousand years?
What you see is a world of hate, of pitiness,
never again to be set in state.
What you see is what you get.
Evolving chaos, death the inevitable force
It`s your cult, your mission
Misery - a necessary evil
Sympathy - a tool for fools
Death - the ultimate function
Mercy - a waste of grace
Every man is therefore guilty of all the good he did.
Storm Detonation
Manifestation of the Storm Detonation.
Abandonment, renunciation, nuclear abrasion.
Maximum reality, ultimate reality.
What do you long for, Doomsday or Alienation?
The first and the last of global warnings,
as in withered ill-willed spirit.
Psychic dweller,
fearing the lies that surround you like a mental grip.
Aborticide as altruistic moral.
Backflashes from a past that once was,
memories from another day.
A depleted human race.
An echo that reflects and consolidates the super-humaneous will.
Will to Power,
Call to Power.
Utopian abattoir, a derisive reality.
Clouds, embracing the highland of earth,
as shadows from another time,
predicting the depredations of Terra Mater.
Tell the tale of a grand magnificent new world.
Tell the tale of a thousand years.
Tell the tale of the Storm Detonation,
manifested in every fatalistic soul,
asking if you want Doomsday or Alienation
Stereogothic void - predestination of being.
Psychothronic schizoid - conditioning the future.
Past without content - life without meaning
The New World Inc. executes standardization
in a futuristic framework of sterility.
Why is everything so constant?
Why doesn`t things change?
You`ll never be alone again.
Patterns of dominant contraception displaying.
The New World Inc. deciding your mental agenda.
Creations of a disillusioned mind.
Never forsake the Providence;
the mind-altered herald.
Deathlike silence - cyber scenario turns the ego.
Inbred conveyer - psychedelic vultures disrupting the social order.
Segregation, still no reason to inhale the dirt.
No sivilization without stability,
no individual equilibrium without emotional equality.
Stereogothic void - predestination of being.
Psychothronic schizoid - conditioning the future.
It`s nightfall and world-wide disinfection.
It`s a Zykloned syndrome revealing spirituality as something absent.
You`ll never be alone again
What can be heard of the sentiment of soilent green?.
The B-29 Bomber, Enola Gay; a personified Grim Reaper,
leaving behind a mushroom-cloud and heavy ground haze,
a manmade eclipse,creating a constant defunct totality.
Hell on earth, who`s to blame for erasing an entire society?
The crushing shockwave, man`s plutonium implosion,
wounding the surface like a dying prey.
Black carbonised concrete, distorted metals,
appearing like deformed burned skeletons.
Boiling exhalation, melted glass,
twisted scrap iron as grotesque deadlike trees,
portraying man`s ability to annihilate himself.
Everything has become nothing in just a moment of time.
What remains is a sight that no man has ever seen.
A graveyard with not a tombstone standing.
An inconceivable testimony of human ill-will.
The greatest deed ever in a world never to rise again.
Worm World
Planetary sickness, the state of the world.
Time, Death, God;
inbreed overkill altered through decayed moral causing global infection.
Compulsion of matter,
the remaining part of dreariness and obsolete dejection.
Man breeds ignorance and fatality.
Empty eyes and a soul forsaken, an intellect like zero,
reasons for pandemic genocide.
Human trash, wasted flesh, is that what you wanna be?
Practise what you preach.
In despite of development from chaos humanity has degenerated
in relation to the primordial state.
Misconception and misinterpretation of values,
surrounds you like a mental drape.
You stink - that`s how you are.
You reek - that`s what you`re at.
You are mentally dead - that`s what you`ve become.
You are matter without content - that`s what you`re all about.
And you thought you were the highlight of the ladder of evolution?
No matter if you do your best,
it`s still a worm world with you in the middle of the viper`s nest
Transcendental War - Battle Between Gods
The snake and the deers, corroding on the tree of the world.
It`s your symbol of cosmos, axis-mundi.
The downfall of the powers, representation unparalleled.
Catastrophes of nature, battle between gods, social dissolution.
It`s a coming, a second coming.
Stronghold of the world in ice and cold.
Time of axe, time of sword,
a wolf on chase, a world on fire,
extinguished only when the land is sinking.
Development back to chaos, it`s your illusion,
sombody else`s disillusion.
An alleged opposition between powers
Appearances without masks.
No one trying to harmonize latent conflicts.
Origin and creation, explanation of the later development.
Cosmic model, primordial murder.
Irreversible time, a different material foundation.
Time is not returning, the new world will rise once and for all.
Prophecy Of Zavorash
When Our Kind Has Returned To The Valleys
When Northern Lights Fill The Skies
When The Domain Of Darkness Rises
Then All Else Shall Die
From The Frozen Realms We Shall Arise
Marching Down From The Permafrost
Turning Our Swords Towards The Shining
Until All Light Is Lost
Barbarians From The Land Of Snow And Ice
Shall Pilage And Prophane The Bright Paradise
Riding Proud On Slaughter
Of Battlehorns Forseen
Unionship Of Zavorash
Universals Of The North
Adverseries Of The Weak Ones
Through Whirling Storms We Roar
The Sons Of Thunders Time Shall Come
A World In Fear Bow For Them
Before Sent To Kingdom Come
We All Their Lifes Condemn
"And Then Came The Blast
Turbulent Destruction Icicled
Oh, How We Laughed
Majestic was This Revelation
Deadly Pact, Funeral Eternal
We Were Swords In This War
We Beheld Death And Shivered With Lust
We Were The Ones Who Turned The World To Dust"
Feel Spiritual Forces
Lurking The Woods Under Eons Of Stars
Breathe The Winds On The Mountains
And Let Thy Visions Fly Far
For Alone They Are Mighty
Together All Else Falls
Enstranged By Dark Fountains
In Which Milleniums Call
For Strong Unswerwing Riders
Glowing Spots In The Night Of Light
And For Swords To Be Unsheated
When The Time Is Right.
Za Vorbashtar Raz Shapog!!!
Dying Beneath
With Evil In Eye They Arise At Night
Spreading Wings Over Moonshine Skies
When They Ascend With Winds To Flight
Then It Is Time For The Darkened Tide To Arrive
Desecrated Domains Dying Beneath
Delighted They Spread Death To Acheve
A Kingdom Of Bones And Frozen Eyes
Ravished Souls Still Tortured In Ice
The Vision Is Black With Spots Of Red
The Goal Is Death And Sorrow To Dwell
And Fear To Strike The Pethetic Breed
Complete Evil Is What They Acheve
They Will Bring The Divine Sons Head On A Pole
Then Multiply The Nails In His Father
Then In Mystical Rites Cry
And Spread Their Shadows Of Murder
I Great Them Also To Give Me Wings
They Need Not Seek To Take My Heart
Heel To Heel We Will Rise In The Winds
To Fly With Glowing Eyes
And Crush The Foundations Of Light We See
Them As Plague Us As Remedy
We Are Streams Of Bloodlust Coming Down
Soon To Become A River
The Legion Great Them As Allies
The World Great Them As Death
Blessed By Evil Before The Start Of Time
And They Still Rule The Astral Worlds
Devestated Dying Lands Beneath
Is Not Enough To Their Lust Apeace
Thee Might Have Hid In The Light Till Now
Now None Shall Save In The Darkened Tide
Erased Empires Stand Witness
Again Their Offspring Shall Fall
Never The Subject Of Forgivness
So Laughed At By My Horde
Several Melliniums Passed Blindly
Behold Now A Dark Dawn
Where None Shall Save
Where Only Die You May
World Rejection
Invinsible Hatred I Beg Thee Not To Let Me Free
I Wish To Lose Myself In Thy Darkness
This Cursed Sorrow Which Lives On In Me
Shall Be Hidden Within Thy Sarcasms
Let Me Walk The Earth And Trample All It's Life
Let Me Be The Last Being Watching All Die
Standing Proud In A Life Of Contradictions
As I Laugh While I Wish To Cry
By My Own Words I Am Forsakened
Sinking In Unbroken Patterns Of Rejection
Circling Down To A State Of Hate
So Pure And True That All Else Fades
No Mistakes Made For I Cannot Regret
Still A Lie It Would Be To Say I Am Content
I Became Truly Evil When All Hope Left
And The Present Condition Makes Rage Suit Me Best
On A Journey Away From Light And Warmth
I Desire To Kill All The Rest
I Show No Weakness And I Have None
Yet I Wonder What I Gain
I Reject The World On Principle
And Let My Nihilism Reign
I Crave None And Give The Same
I Spit On All Which Have A Name
I Blame None But Hate Them All
Convince Me Wrong Then Convince A Wall
For I Have No Soul Or Purpose
To My Peace There Are No Doors
Releasing The Legion
As I Behold The Most Frozen Landscape And Await The Dusk To Pass
I Call Upon A Second Age Where Death And Winters Last
By Fire By Ice And By Dark Rage We Will The World Into Eternity Cast
By Mountains White Under The Moon By The Valleys Yet Unpassed
I Swear Myself The Emperor Of The Most Dark Of Paths
As I Await The Night To Cloak The World Suddenly I Can Speak The Tongue Of Souls Unheard
There By The Falling Sun I Am Granted Wisdoms Known To None
My Tears Have Made My Armor Impenetrateble They Have Stained
My Path Is Of Darkness In My Sight Pure Hatred Reigns
Dark But Yet Enlightened Evil And Yet Just
Walking The Land Of Lunar Lights Calm I Enter This Violent Might
Convoking Spiritual Oneness With Snow And The Fallen Foe
Above And Before I Stood There Glancing Where Shadows Of Fires To Come Were Dancing
And I Saw Through These Glimmering Views Of Snow And Frozen Stone
A Crack From The Skies To Earth's Foundations Then Opened My Brothers' Gate
The Time Has Come To Rise The Banners The Time Is Now To Charge
I Shall Stand Where I Should Fall I Shall Charge Where I Should Flee
I Shall Laugh Where I Should Cry And Hate Where I Should Love
Prepared And Stout I Now Await The Final Dawn
Releasing All I Have Worn And Gathered Feeding My Own Flames
In The Legion I Shall Come Forth Among Countless Dark Names
A Revenge With No Message A Slaughter Before Unseen
As I Behold The Most Frozen Landscape And Await The Dusk To Pass
I Call Upon A Second Age Where Death And Winters Last
By Fire By Ice And By Dark Rage We Will The World Into Eternity Cast
By Mountains White Under The Moon By The Valleys Yet Unpassed
I Swear Myself The Emperor Of The Most Dark Of Paths
As I Await The Night To Cloak The World Suddenly I Can Speak The Tongue Of Souls Unheard
Above And Before I Stood There Glancing Where Shadows Of Fires To Come Were Dancing
And I Saw Through These Glimmering Views Of Snow And Frozen Stone
A Crack From The Skies To Earth's Foundations Then Opened My Brothers' Gate
And For The Coming Eons We Now Release The Legion
An Oath To My Kind
Mesmerizing Whirling Fires In The Night
Through Which Visions Of Splendid Nature Is Brought To Sight
A World Of Foul Worms Crumbling In Their Filth
Burning Themselves Blindly To The Final Hilt
I Will Always Remember The Time I Understood
That They In Ignorance Spit On Me Would
For As Long As I Still Held On To Myself
Till Death For I Shall Not Break For Anything Else
Feeling The Weakness From Which They Flee
Knowing Their Fears I Know All Their Dreams
A Child Not Grasping The Meaning Of Mortality
Every Being Of Flesh Turns Out To Be
Ruled By Ignorantly Ethical Primates
My Struggle Will Forever Be A Stillmate
Without Pride In A World Not Knowing The Meaning Of The Word
I Am Forever The Bringer Of A Simple Truth Unheard
Mezmerising Stars Eternities Away
Listening To The Silent Symphonies Of The Night
Standing Alone Yet Never Lonely
Longing For Death Still Celebrating Life
Dark I Am In The Eyes Of Others
How Does The Blind Make Differance
Talking Monkeys Scorning All Truth In Fear
I Could Join Them But I Will Never Be Near
Borned And Taught By My Kind
I Learned Their Aims And Goals
Now To Be Scorned And Looked Down On
For Their Lies I Disobeyed
Disrupting Their Garded Patterns
They Fear I Will Break Their Circles
And Disseminate Clearness
The Weak Fear My Mind
So Then Hear My Oath Thou Of My Kind
Of Hatred Scorn And Disrespect
Behold My Affront To Thy Hierarchies
Be Certain I Shall Betray Thee
I Abdicate All Unity
With The Rulers Of This World
For Better Is The Animal
Than My Kind And Its Word
Return From Grace
Wastelands Of Cold, The Deathlike Beauty
Memories Stained By The Tainted Blood
An Urge To There On The Hillside Gather
A Warmass On Our Ancestral Grounds
Then Forge Revenge On Those Who Made The Tale Come True
Cremate Them On Their Own Fires
Judge Them To Fall From This Earth
Under The Weight Of Our Steel
Let The Altar Crumble By The Winternight
And The Icon Burn By Our Hate
Let The Gate Be Crushed And Vengeance Dance
Like The Blood That Shall Cover The Earth
They Came With Words Of Light
Our Reply Sung Out By Axe
Singing Their Pestful Songs
While Life Spills Out Before Them
Ancestral Souls Among Us Gather
Those Who Watched The Lake Before The Cross
Through Mountains And Pinewoods Tales Behold
Of The Sin That Sank The North
Bringing Us Strength To Kill
And Laugh While The Sword Cuts Deep
Their Tears Will Never Quench
The Firefull Hate Beyond Their Grace
For When Sorrow Forces Its Dreadful Stake
Through The Heart Of The Spoiled Soul
The Dead Will Never Find Their Peace
And Souls Again Turn Black
Their Lies Fall From Time
In A Plague With Countless Fallen
Even If They Fear Us With Their Lives
They Sealed Their Own Death
We Rally Our Banner In The Wind
Legioneers To Bring Time To An End
May It Be That We Are The Sin
But Our Call We Shall Follow
The Darkened Blade Through The Heart Of Light
We The Faithless Tyrants
Covenants Of An Eternal War
Kings To Be Crowned By Bloodfilled Rage
In Odium Veritas
In Odium Veritas
We Ride The Cyclone Of Ages, Me And My Ravenous Breed
Forlorn Shalt Be Our Fathers, When We Have Reaped Our Seed
Captured The Truth In Nothing, Denied The Moral Of Man
Turned To The Meaningless Purity, Where Hatred Is Void We Stand
Denied, Put Down By Billions, Still It Is Fullfilled
These Visions Rule Humanity, Denial Giving Nil
The Final Solutions' Virtue, The Final Gift To All
Behold The Complete Genocide, Undiscriminating And Cold
Scorn, Revered Nihilistic Covenant, Guide Us To Our Reign
Malice, Fullfilled Fascism, Kill In Every Gods Name
Hidden Among Thee, We Hunt The Debris Of Man
And We Behold With Pleasure, Thy Sacred Pillars Turn To Sand
Our Dominions Infested, With Light And Its Pestilent Breed
Though Cleansed Shalt Be This Empire, Freedom Of Loneliness Acheved
Cardinal Hatred, I Am Thine, Cradle Of Atrocities, Thou Art Mine
Blessed With Eternal Nothingness, The Void Is My Guide And Sign
In Odium Veritas, The Circle Of Wisdom Complete
Veritas Odium Parit, And It Grows Still
Beyond Even Those Of Darkness, Where Nothing Rules Or Thrill
The Superior Creed
Long I Searched What The Claim To See, And The Beauty Derived Thereof
Asking Why I Felt Like A Menace, To Them - Who Everything Solved
My Differences Seemed Racial, Though Ancestors I Then Lacked
Until The Orchard Of Mind Opened, And I Stood Completely Aback
Empty And Enlightened, I Drank Of The Miracles
Torn In The Metaphysical, The Void Became A Creed
As I Lost All The Addictions, And Triumphed In Deterministic Rule
Propounding World Perversion, In The Eyes Of The Herd
No Purity, Except A Tidal Hatred
No Sorrow, Though An Ego Degraded
And Love... I Miss This False Heaven
Let It Embrace, No Meaning Of Life
Never Repent, No Meaning In Lies
Faith Signed With Crossbones
Ecstacy... All Meaning Dies!
Insanity, If I By Thee Could Be Characterized
But My Laugh Is Not That Of A Madman
It Is The Fall Of One To Wise
Darkness, If Thee Were To Be My Palfray
But With Fiction Even Evil Died
Hence I Quashed My Last Hospice
This Is The Creed Trancending All Minds, The End Of Malformed Tales
Reaching For Every Thought Misbegotten, Feel The Void Of Reality's Nails
Dreams For Ingrates
All The Limpid Lies Are Tattered, Let This Betoken A Passed Ordeal
In Bereavement Of Immemorial Falsehood, Our Heinous Breed Is Revealed
Every Feasibility Of Hiding Vanquished, Wheedling And Detraction Exposed
As I Heaved These Shackles Of Mine, Then Cured The Ailment Of All Times
In Chimerical Fraternization, In Lewd Horrendous Crimes
They Ordain The Chronic Miserliness, Shibboleths Of Pure Rhymes
Seen As An Impious Urchin, I Shalt Never Be Lionized
Displaying The Cleavage Of Benignity, Premier In The Ordinal Of Lies
Lingering Immolation
Elucidation Of Complete Void
Arterial Dissimmolation
All In Modesty Foiled
Clandestine Yet Flagrant, Man Locked In Gullability
Earthbound. Universal, The Thought Killed In Conformity
The Preminitions Are Grizzled, In Luscious Hope Forlorn
In Vagrancy Voluminous, All Truth Becomes Torn
Defending The Presbytery Of Devolution, Militating For A Cause
Icebound In Shining Fiction, A Path Of Endless Loss
A Maligner They Made Me, Opprobrious They Remain
Yet I Have Their Jewel Shattered, Hence It Is All The Same
Though Still I Dream...
Lingering Desecration
Upon All I Wish In The End
Genocidal Annihilation
May All Gods Descend
Human Delirium
During Times To Elderly To Be Thought Of, Thirsting I Was So I Drank The Eons Wine
Instantly Was I Forlorn In Divine Wisdom, My Grave Was Now Made Centuries Ago
Forgotten Was I Now Long Before My Birth, Without Regret I Opened The Gates To Earth
Amongst The Stones And Dust Of Battles Lost, I Hunted And Laughed For God I Now Was
Though Lost Was I Once Before Reality Was Brought Asunder
Dead Was I Once During Times When Lost Were The Poisen Wine
But In Strength I Arose And Devoured The Universe
And Became My Own Precious Lord And Slave
So Rightly I Call Myself The Powered Very Essence
"By Which Their Pestilent Prayers Are Formed
Life Did Once Teach Me The Most Horrid Of Lessons
Though Still, They Fail To Grasp, I Am Not Horned
But As All Gods Should I Be Adorned!"
I Represent The Denied And Dead Universal Error
In Close Parallels I Mock The Worshipped Truth
My Shining Aura Is That Of A Great Emperor
And In My Chronicles There Is No Sign Of Truce
My Names Are Many, Forever I Am Known
An Angel, Savior, Whore Or Ruler
As I Dance Through The Crippled Walls Of Moral
And Damn Only Those Who Speak The Truth
I Am Rationalisms' Very Foundation, Still Insanity Is My God-given Name
Truth Is For Me Monumental, Still Through Illusions I Reign
The Paradox Of My Hybris Is Striking, As I Demand To Be King Of Existence
As I Rape And Torture In Blackest Hate, "Mankind, How I Love Thy Contradictive Faith"
Yet, But A Humble Slave To The Present Word I Am
Yet, I Kneel On The Cold Deaf Stone
Though We All Have Errors, Only Others We Scorn
For I Am I Creature Of Honor
And I Have My Precious Soul
The Future Shalt Reap My Crimes
"Made Real By A Horde Of Ruling Sheep
I Shalt No Death Of Theirs Weep..."
Xasthur - Doomed By Howling Winds
The wind cast a ruin upon my soul.
The night is dying, yet we cursed the dawn,
each mourning, upon a festering grave.
The moonlight has no shine through the doom.
The burning corpse of god shall keep us warm
in the doom of howling winds
For we are a race from beyond the wanderers of night.
Nocturnal Poisoning
In The Hate Of Battle
Heiled in battle again
Into the night eternally searching and
Fighting to be eternally free
And to live in darkness
Decaying upon their crosses
Light without will (or reason)
Seeing only with (holy) blood in our eyes
To deny them their empires
Take the light from their lives
Blinded by their own crying winds
Hatred bled onto the soul
With a fury to kill
Killed brethren
Without respect for lives unholy
A hatred possessing my soul
With a fury to kill
So the battle dies in this bleak winter
Each death piled in a dark circle
And again we’ll return
Soul Abduction Ceremony
The moon tonight feels my revenge
To summon forth my time (of sin) and hate
Impaled are their wings
Raped is the soul
From the bleeding holy womb
At one with night, for I’m with death
Eyes now bleed
In the color and sight of terror
The moon tonight screams with revenge
I’ve entered your dreams out of fear
A Gate Through Bloodstained Mirrors
Paint in blood
A sigil of death
On fading reflections
Beneath this night
Master of their infernal fears,
I take these burning gates... to reign
Pass this torch of evil (so I may become)
Through the candlelit
Bloodstained mirrors...
To succumb to the netherworld of Satan.
Stare through the eyes of my mirror master,
And the mirror stares back into me
Cold autumn rain beats down on my bloodstained face.
In the clouded, misty morning sky I see ravens circle
my blade now sheated tasted blood just hours before.
On the killing fields of honour pride is measured in war
On the frozen fields of horror we'll avenge their deeds with our steel!
With sorrowfilled heart I walk ahead on my nightly patrol.
Sounds of battle still echoing in my mind
Reminding me of the night at the coast
when we saw the horde of ships closing in on us in the horizon
Unprepared we were when they came to shore.
Waving their swords, screaming the name of an unknown god.
Burned our villages, desecrated our shrines,
replaced our old gods with icons of their false faith
From behind they sneaked on us like the cowards they are.
Forced us to retreat in shame,
filled our hearts with pain and rage.
You can kill our kin but you can never crush our spirit.
The heathenpride in northmen's minds will always remain!
Like fire schorced earth we are reborn!
With autumns coldest winds we arrive!
Proud in our hearts,
unchained in our might we are pure heathen wrath unbound!
As I awake from my remembrance,
one single tear rolls down to my scarred cheeck.
I return to our mountain camp the hideaway of the few survivors
of their "holy" massacre.
We pray for might, our shamans survey the runes
we call forth the elements
to fight along side us on this pagan cause.
We swear an oath to old gods:
We will not rest until we find revenge!
Until every single soul of those fucking worms sails
the black waters of Tuonela
Yet even Tuoni would reject that scum,
their pitiful souls shall forever be cursed
to haunt these woods at night horizon will burn with thousand fires.
Swords shall clatter, warcrys echo,
steel shall sings it's merciless song in the gloomy autumn night!
Meadows shall be covered with blood, foul stench of rotting flesh!
Vultures and rats will feast on the corpses of the deceased.
Rivers of blood of the fallen warriors, severed limbs lying all around
The Gods of War will be satisfied.
In the gloomy autumn night!
And when the night falls again we proud men of north
gather around the bonfires.
And in the light of the paganfires we sharpen our swords,
saddle our horses and whisper one final prayer to the Gods of War!
May the winds hear our cries!
May the stars call our names!
And when the moon is on the wave
we'll ride to victory or ascend to another plane
We call forth the archaic forces!
Summon the elements!
We sing our prayers to four winds!
Raise our chalices towards the sky!
When the fullmoon rises to sky we ride towards our desecrated village
Filled with rage and Ukkos might shouting oaths of battle,
singing songs of war.
In the name of Ukko we will send them to Tuonis doors!
Berzerk we attack steel singing in the light of the moon.
Outnumbered we are but filled with heathenpride.
One by one, we cut down their troops,
swords swinging in the light of the moon.
We remove their icons, we crucify their priests to their own crosses,
we'll burn their holy scriptures and sink their dismember corpses
to the marshes of the proud northern woods.
We have returned the pride of this land.
For now and forever!
Unchained Heathen Wrath!
Ashes Of Man And Oak And Pine
Life fades away like the days
Autumnal rains sweep the plains
Once at one's journey's end
So short seem our days
The eternal arrow of life
Points to one direction only
No matter how you try
The wheel keeps on turning
Flames of life, flames of death
Ashes of man and oak and pine
Mingle and soar beyond the day
Far beyond, north away
Into the glacial waters
Of the ice cold nothern lakes
The flame of life has sunken
Deep down below the waves
The skyline aflame burning red
And the flames caress the stars
Like fallen from the skies
They mirror from water's placid surface
Follow the sun, follow the moon
Ashes of man and oak and pine
Mingle and soar into the night
Far beyond, north away
While you live let your spirit soar
And your fire burn forevermore
As those who crawl
Might as well be gone
Aijeke Davge, Aijeke Vetshera
Enter the Tjorvigard, Holy circle of bones
Aijeke Davge, Aijeke Vetshera
Pierce the reindeer's heart, spill the offerings life blood
Maijde Aijekik letti, maid verro?
Aijeke Davge, Aijeke Vetshera
Blood stains the wooden image as I call forth the gods
Aijeke Davge, Aijeke Vetshera
Aijeke, Seide, will you accept this sacrifise?
Maijde sjealkak tun stuorra Seide?
Pale Forest
Hear the tune from the woodlands
Ghastly, forlorn
Hear the song of the forest
Pale, eternal!
I carve the runes for the spirits to speak
For the ghosts to dance among these trees
I chant the spells for the dead to live
For the souls to soar among the stars
Feel the eyes, staring at you
When you are all alone
Feel the cold, invicible hands
Touching all over you
When the fullmoon reaches it's zenith
Above this pale and cold forest
I enter the circle of bones
I recite the rites, embrace the night
I call forth the ancient spirits
Whom once roared in these woods
Once alive, alive once more
From the depths of the gray
Marching and singing they came
A noble ancient folk
Relic from the days of olde
These hearts burns with hate
These eyes cry from shame
From anger, from pain
Caused by your sickening ways
Long forgotten by mortals
Yet forever they have lurked
Behind the dread portals
Beyond the dimensional gates
Destroy! Ravage!
We'll put an end to your show
Kill! Burn!
Christians, jews, all must go!
On a dark autumn night,
Maybe a night just like this?
When the moon is hidden by frozen shroud
While humans are sleeping safe and sound
They march towards your village
Ready for burning and for pillage
One by one, the churces aflame
They'll cleanse the land, burn your world
Misanthrope's Masterplan
Hysterical, irrational.
Vortex of utter meaningless
Black Hole Delirium.
Cast into the starshaped void
The misanthrope's masterplan,
call forth the forces of chaos
Witness the fall of the elements, invert the creation
Shimmering fluorescent black light, the ultimate reflection
Endless dreams of drifting in whir winds of deepest black
From the depths of Tuonela the riders arrive
Singing the age old song of death
That even the most coldhearted dread
Darkest manifestations of ungodly beauty,
blasphemous, yet divine
The sun sets forever, the misanthrope's masterplan
The Harvest Day
Crush the faith of weakling followers,
burn down their filthy shrines
Desecrate and mock their petty values,
avenge the deeds of history
Never forget. Never forgive.
I shall haunt you as long as you live
Never give up.
Never give in.
Stand your ground, strike down the enemy
700 years is not long enough,
forever itself would not be long enough
Recognize the signs in the world?
Smell the rage in the air?
You shall reap as you have sown.
And you have reaped nothing but misery.
Vargtimmen Pt.I
The Lonely Sea
The sun sets below the foam of the ocean
And the shore is fast asleep
I stood on the mountain and sang
When my verses hit the water they were already dead
I know where the sun sleeps at night
Down in the lonely sea
I know where the sun hides at night
Up a tall spruce-tree
The song vanished behind the pine-trees
And the dusk cried it away
Below the depths of the ever storming sea
My song of something that will never return
I know where the sun sleeps at night
Down in the lonely sea
I know where the sun hides at night
Up a tall spruce-tree
Struck by your words like stones
The grief comes like winters cold, cutting breath
I want to turn the sun and the moon from their paths
And press the countless stars in my fist
I shall curse this world
Turn back the sun
Turn back the moon
I shall curse this world
Turn back the day
Turn back the night
And when I have trampled it all underfoot
Smiling I'll turn my back on life
I know where I'll sleep tonight
Down in the lonely sea
And when the dawn has blown upon its fire
I'll rest deep below the depressing sea
Summer bleeds its last shades of green
To the darkened pool of dead emotions
Pond of decayed dreams and withered love
Why should I carry on, when all hope is gone?
Come the autumn, come the rain
Wash away all the bitterness and hate
Fall - Come the autumn
Fall - Come the rain
Carve it to the firs, carve it to the oaks
Scream it to the stars, shout it at the world
Dwelling in self-pity, in self-caused pain
All bridges burnt, the only way is down
Come the autumn, come the rain
Come the nightfall, welcome death
Fall - Come the autumn
Fall - Come the rain
Fall - Come the end
Enter my innmost night
As Pestilence I'll arrive
A plague upon your christian beliefs
Malignant disease with no redeem
A wolf, feasting on the sheeps
Black as pitch, cold as ice
Traveller of darker paths
Even darkness dims
Welcome despair and pain
Overwhelming grimness
This is my hour!
The moon lays hidden
Behind the northern gale
I am the unseen eyes of thunder
The cold, freezing touch of winter's veil
An icy breath of melancholy
Upon your heart, upon your soul
Sad Song Of The Woods
Longing, yearning - wisful, dready
Plaintive, mourning - woeful, weary
Cruel be the wind that carries this tune,
Song Clad in mourning veil.
Deaf be the ears that it falls upon,
Sorrow so overwhelming.
Forever and forever more
She'll haunt these moors at night
Eternally and even beyond
She'll dance in the early morning mists
In autumn, in summer, in spring
In winters chilling wind
Over moors and beyond lakes
It echoes ever mourning
In autumn, in summer, in spring
In winters chilling wind
Over moors and beyond lakes
The Sad song of the Woods
Longing, yearning - wisful, dready
Plaintive, mourning - woeful, weary
Cold be the mind and cold be the soul,
Cold as glacial waters in late autumn.
Cold be heart that carries such wounds,
She grieves, unsilent.
Forever and forever more
She'll haunt these moors at night
Eternally and beyond
She'll dance in the early morning mists
In autumn, in summer, in spring
In winters chilling wind
Over moors and beyond lakes
It echoes ever mourning
In autumn, in summer, in spring
In winters chilling wind
Between the seasons it echoes
The Sad song of the Woods
Vargtimmen Pt.II
The Wicker Man
The rain pours down with pain, dampening the straws of hay
Flowing down my face, mingeling with tears
Tears of despair and rage, years of emptiness and hate
Soon swept away by the flames, mouldering ashes
All that remain, is a pile of charred bones
Raising dust for the wind to carry far away
The rain pours down with pain, yet they sing and dance
Floating in a trance like state, bewitched by the chanting
Masked faces far below me, laughing mockingly
The first torch is lit, soon followed by others
This is it now, it will all end, on this solstice's night
Flame, come take me, swallow me
Oh great nothing, devour me
Light it up, burn it down
May the gods, accept our sacrifice
Flesh to touch, flesh to burn
Do not keep the wicker man waiting
As flood I'll return, I am your sacrifice
Your corps will rot into the fields, you'll famish and starve
As plague I'll return, going to destroy your world
With fever you'll burn, and I'll save non
The Pale And The Dead
In the woods not far from here, stands an age old dead tree
On a meadow once green, nothing grows now
They used to hang people from this oak, or so they legend claims
Beneath the shadows of these brances, witches and heretics have burned
The ground is dead and stained black with blood,
the sorrow of centuries it bears
No man, bird or beast dears to wander here
Even during daylight hours darkness always seems to be near
The soil is poisonous and swarming with snakes
Oh, I tell you, it's a cursed place
Here meet the pale and the dead, here the most coldhearted will dread
The pale and the dead, ghosts from times long gone
Relics of past dread, they walk beyond the sun
When the night falls, the mist rises from the depths of the dead, cursed soil
Damned, forgotten souls, centuries of old,
wake from their cursed sleep Of empty eternity
The pale and the dead
wretched souls that prey on living flesh
The pale and the dead,
souls unset, forever doomed to haunt
The pale and the dead,
beyond dawn and daylight the stalk
Ominous Insomnia
Still Holding on to a memory (of a dream)
Clung to a ghost of the past,
I am Entangled in a maze (of the self)
With no way out
Tired of the empty promises of a new brighter dawn
Tired of all your fucking lies, that you keep preaching on
Tired of all the hypocrisy, all the scorn, and double morality
Only refuge is in a dream, but the dream always dies
An image of a desolate meadow (it's a dream)
All black, dead and barren, paints itself unto my cornea (it's for real)
I know, I've seen it before
...In a dream, maybe?
The drugs don't work anymore, immune to all the pills
Too afraid to sleep, too tired to live
Can't sleep, the visions haunt me
Should I close my eyes, would I dare?, dream, my last sanctuary
Now twisted into a morbid nightmare
...Without an end
The fever's getting higher, burning inside me like fire
The shadows are getting deeper, oh dawn, why won't you come?
Tired of being alive, of thinking, of breathing
So why not just end it? Right here, right now
The sickness burns in my veins, working like a daze
Yet I am too scared to end my days
Cold, Son Of The Wind
How chill is morning, how cold its melody.
On a season of withering, when time stands still
I listened and the wind spoke to me,
I heard the woods sing to me.
Reciting poems and myths, from earliest of ages
Shadow of a crooked rowan tree, looks more like a bear in sleep
Season fades along with its leaves,
until one plough day earth covers earth
Cold, son of the wind, freeze the winter willows
Chill the birch chunks, Cold, son of the wind
I listened and the rain whispered to me,
I heard the streams murmur my name.
Shared their timeless wisdom, a cruel tale of nature unveiled
Until one plough day earth covers earth
Ghost Of Winter
The pathways in hiding I trudge, a mere wanderer am I
Philosopher, soul of songs, naked, ragged and torn
Treasures of kings bear no meaning for me,
your morals and laws are not for me
Through the air, on wings unseen, arrive my treasures, unmeasured
Like a ghost I glide from shadow to shadow
At the edges of your known world, in your dreams I hide
On wings of winds, like a ghost of winter
I breath my cold of thousand yesterdays
Someday the whole world will know:
Misanthropy is not phase
And where I go, you can't follow
Ceremony In Flames
At One With The Beast
Storming the gates of creation
stained glass shatters
destroy the sacred scrolls
ending the myth of paradise
Devour the righteous
unarmed and pitiful
no mercy for the weak
slaughter of the innocents
Temples Crumble
wisdom set ablaze
see the world burning
through serpent eyes
Cast the shadow
in a land with no light
apocalyptic reigning
At one with the beast
Satanic Utopia
Tortured cries
echoes of the sadist
gathering strength
evoking eternal fear
Battles won
through holocaust
dreaming of kingdoms
left unconquered
Eviscerated bodies
crippled and killed
blood splattered steel
a testament to will
A smoldering of faith
bittersweet tasted of siege
the spoils of victory
exited among christian
Cauterizing The Wounds Of Christ
Beaten whipped and tortured
nailed upon the cross
halo of thorns driven deeper
no pity for the son of god
To die for nothing
suffering in vain
sins aren't forgiven
forever burning in your name
Cauterizing the wounds of christ
Nothing to gain or inherit
persecution only lasts so long
faith grows weaker
the meek are never strong
To die for nothing
suffering in vain
sins aren't forgiven
forever burning in your name
Cauterizing the wounds of christ
Containment Of Inferno
Hold to the major stance
misled people will be given no chance
food for vultures, prey for wolves
shattered and ripe, hear their calls
Containment of inferno, night of sword
a gallows in function, all for your lord
jesus is dead, killed by my will
a grip that by all means was
created to kill
Black current trinity
naturalistic satanic consistency
no liberation for the holy man
there is no such thing as a
praised land
Channeling of equent hate
ultimately opposed at any rate
god-given confinement is due
it will surely kill you and
your breed too
Buried Beneath Perversion
Piercing the mind's eye
at last a perfect thought
enter those of vacant morals
breaking the will of men
once thought of as invincible
corrupting the purist form essence
turning it against it's master
Never again to be owned or enslaved
expanding into new horizons
gather in unspeakable numbers
outstretched arms assembled
now the answer is clear
acts of contrition left behind
buried beneath perversion
Ceremony In Flames
Sacrificial offering
drapped in holy shrouds
13 candles blazing
conjuring fiendish terror
Born into nothingness
a parasite arrives
capturing the pain of faith
bound and gagged
Through the maze of deceit
the true face of god is revealed
a beauty in knowing his touch
offering a hand into freedom
Caressed by solitude
a plague of desire
absorbing two thousand years
unleashing human restrictions
Chosen Below
Born of the jackal
blessed by sin
worthless servant, abandoned
unseen hands
embrace from the sky
I can hear hell (calling)
Upon the altar
cast in stone
I invoke the coming of gods
I concede to whore's desire
I am the waiting
Born of the jackal
blessed by sin
I foresee the coming of the end
I can feel the cold touch beyond
Burnt by the sun
for touching god
branded evil
mark of the beast
I am the one chosen below
Gospels Of Depravity
Breathe into my mind
breed inside my flesh
be one of my kind
die if you neglect
I am the electric gene
one who should detect
the rotting skin of sin
your eternal defect
Prototype messiah
disgusting creature abandoned
teaching the false gospels
I shall be your depravity
In my hands you're dead, dead
although you're still alive
part of my existence
cancer of earth
Die, die, die
I shall not let you
Worship Us
The day withdraws with shadows frame
And dusk has draped the cold domain
An echo fed by mountain walls
A cry of longing - Nightly Calls!
We are those of the nocturnal
Darkness breeds in our day
Travel roads of which forgotten
Dare to cross the ancients way
Thousand paths away
Worhip us, for yet we shall not slay
That which belongs to us
We guard the flower as the seed
Silence After War
I am a northern warrior of dark and ancient past
And I won´t end this war until I am the last
Cause I swore to Satan that none would see me fall
That none would see me fall...
With my sword and with my spear I make them live in fear
And when the day that they come here
They will whish that they could disappear
The weaklings just pray for their lord
As I crush them with my sword
Children and woman do the same as I kill for revenge
In Satans name
Battle after battle won, still I want more
I might though be satisfied as I kill the heavens Whore
I can see the blood covered ground from far up mountains tall
I can feel my darkheart pound as I enter the mountains hall
Now I need silence
Silence after War
No one will bother me
Bother me no more...
Render God
Mindless ghouls - arroused, betrayed
By light bewitched (that once they preyed on)
Twilight - In twilight born
In twilight seething - worming under our feet
Oh, how my eyes will blaze with glee
As I crush them with stone-cold tyranny
On their beloved crucifix
Three symboly engraved - 666
Dark One, your time has come
Each battle won is a cloud on Jehovas sky
Dark One, take down the sun
And just for fun, throw ir right in the makers eye
Bow down and hail - it´s our new world
For years untold - bow down and wail
From hell we came - and hell shall be
Your backs will bend to whip and fail
Satan, Your time has come
Your will be done, crack the earth, whip and scorch the sky
Satan, I am your son
Each battle won is revenge for their filthy Lie
Der 6. Danach
Natastaria Kosmos
Gefangen in der Ewigkeit
klopfe ich an seinem Sarg
jeder Stern war sein Krieger
dahinter verbirgt sich endlose Dunkelheit
Wie Tage zuvor, als ich bei ihm war
und für ihn las, in Einsamkeit
nur langsam öffnet sich mir die Ewigkeit
um wieder zu erlöschen
Alles wiederholt sich, und doch ist es dieses Mal anders
ich kenne die Gründe für sein Fernbleiben
warum er sich hinter Sternen verbirgt
im Natastaria Kosmos...
Der Schein trügt nicht, er spricht durch mich
von der Ewigkeit gefangen, von Hinterlist befreit
jeder Stern ist sein Auge, wie Unendliche
vor mir, trage ich sein Erbe zu
einer neuen Blüte der Einsamkeit
Nacht, Nacht, Nacht
Ich bin bereit, um im Natastaria Kosmos
ein paar Mal zu sterben,
Denn so soll es sein...
Sagt er!
Wie ein Sturm des Zorns
In meinem Seelengrab trockne ich dahin
und warte und warte...
Ich schreite durch verbrannte Welten
von Feuer 'gen Himmel erbaut
symbolisiert die eine den ewigen Tod
nach ihrem ewigen Leben
Kommt hier mein ewiger Tod
wir vereinen uns wie Blut und Feuer
Oh, Götze der Nacht, geschmickt mit Satans Pracht
Dann warte ich wieder
in Trockenheit, Stille umgibt mich
Schwärze fesselt mich in die Kälte meines Grabes
Über mir ziehen Heere gefallener Engel vorbei
und klopfen an leere Särge
wollen sie auch zu mir?
Doch mein Warten gilt ihr bis sie mich holt
Natastaria, Träne der Nacht
Perle des Hasses
Lanze der Wut
Dehmut meines Grabes
Meine Wächter werden ungedultig
sie pflastern Deinen Weg mit Feuer
bis Dein ritt sich dem Ende neigt
und Du hinab steigst
So war auch mein Ritt
auch Schmerzen geschundener Seelen
Flug durch die Ewigkeit
Odysse durch ein Meer von Blut
Serpentine über Berge von Knochen...
Der Tag wird kommen wie ein Sturm des Zorns
und vernichtet Hoffnung wie ein Dorn
Meine nächste Vision war grau
nur Tränen und Trauer
Tod und Zerstörung
mehr Blut als Tränen
Es war alles rot
Es war mein Tod
Sein vorletzter Neumond
Allmächtig schaut er auf uns herab
seine Zeit läuft langsam ab
der Tag ist bald gekommen
er scheint nicht zu entkommen
Wollen wir uns beobachten lassen
vielleicht werden wir sie ewig hassen
lassen wir ihn nicht länger warten
es stand in der Toten Karten
Die Zeit verstreicht bis zu meinem Ende
ich weiß, ich sterbe durch seine Hände
bis der nächste mich traurig ablöst
ich war nicht bei Neumond erlöst
War es wirklich heute, mein letzter Tag
ich liege doch schon in seinem Sarg
Ihre Schatten zu sehen
Vor ihrer Anwesenheit zu erschrecken
übermächtig blicken sie mich an
ich weiß genau, was sie jetzt von mir wollen
Jahrtausende liegen zwischen uns
und doch sind wir uns gleich
Auf emporgestreckten Armen getragen
den Weg von einer Kerze geleitet
von ihren Stimmen
von ihren Augen
Wie Jahrtausende vor mir
das Graue gesehen durch ihre Augen
in mir selbst, durch Euch
Das Lied vom Sterben
...und es wird fließen
wie ein Strom des Todes
Meine Ankunft an dem Platz
der Ort der weiten Sicht
ein letzter Blick über mein Reich
ich grüße Euch, meine Wächter
Der Drang wird stärker, ich sage
mein Lebewohl und fange an
Langsam tropft das Blut herab - Tropfen für Tropfen
gebieterisch fließt das Blut hinab - und bahnt sich seinen Weg
Umgeben vom roten Boden stehe ich still und träume
von der Reise ohne Wiederkehr
Nebel schleicht sich an mir hoch und bringt
mir die Gewissheit, er ist mein Hirte, es ist bald vorbei
Der erste Tropfen wird alt und entfernt sich
immer mehr vom jüngsten und von mir
ich werde leichter, mein letzter Gruß
ich sinke zu Boden, mein rotes Waldbett
Jetzt in mir
Der Teufel sei mein Hirte
Wächter der Stille
Die Pracht der Zerstörung ziert den Ort der weiten Sicht
durch Generationen und Ebenen
der Glanz der Wut schimmert an seinen Toren
diese Brücken sind alt, sehr alt
Bewacht von Einsamkeit und Stille
auf diesem Grund sahen Tausende
gerüstet für die nächste Ewigkeit
zieht er leise vorüber...
Der Ritt durch die Nacht war endlos
Das Schicksal zieht seine Kreise
alles kommt, wie es kommen muß
die Ewigen wachen leise
und der Gestrige kam zu Fuß
Der Schleier des Vergessens
zieht nicht an ihm vorüber
die Schatten... leise
dieser Ort hier macht sich frei
Das nächste Mal wird ewig
so weit wie ein Schatten fällt
die Ewigkeit wird einsam
unberührt von der ersten Welt
Tage verschwinden zu Schatten
Nächte zu Einsamkeit
Leben glänzen wie Blässe
nur seine Wächter harren bereit...
Wie Riesen ragen die Wächter der Stille aus der Unterwelt empor
und trotzen dem Vergessen wie Ewigkeiten davor!
Heimlich, still und leise
Fragende Blicke, wie leere Stühle im Raum
suchen nach einem Ziel, einem Fixpunkt,
doch wie soll das nur gehen,
in einem Raum ohne Wände
Warten um zu warten, dursten um zu dursten
Anonyme Spiegelbilder tauschen sich mit mir aus,
sagen mir den Grund grundlos zu warten
das Erscheinen des Nichts wird wahrscheinlicher,
doch nichts scheint hier wahr
Jedes Mal aufs Neue,
um das Gleiche zu erleben
das Erlebte wird gleich,
um es gleich wieder zu vergessen
Die Stunden der Augenblicke werden langsam
und brechen in sich zusammen
Die Tropfen der Ewigkeiten bäumen sich auf
und deuten auf mich
Wo bleibt meine zweite Ewigkeit?
der Speer meiner Seele
Ich warte auf die Trockenheit
bis jene erschrecken,
die sie geholt haben,
eins wird zu neun
Das Spiel beginnt aufs neue...
Ich warte ohne Stühle, ohne Schächte,
was vereint war, bricht auseinander,
doch die Stimme ertönt weiterhin
und führt auf falsche Fährten
Heimlich dreht sich das Rad weiter
still wirft der Raum auf mich seinen Schatten
leise balle ich meine Faust
...meine Ewigkeit komme!!!
Der Ewige und der Gestrige
Alles neigt sich dem Ende zu
ewige Träume in ewiger Ruh
Ich spür' es förmlich, ich kann es seh'n
wie meine letzten Tage nun vergeh'n
Alle Tage werden gleich
meine Welt ohne Schatten, sie ist so bleich
Frost in meiner Seele mich erfaßt
jedes Licht ist leichenblaß
Alle Gefühle von mir verlassen
um bald den letzten Entschluß zu fassen
Abschied von meiner letzten Welt
meine Seele in die Tiefe fällt
Zweifel an meinem eigenen Schatten
als meine Tage noch Sonne hatten
trügt der Schein der hellen Welt
in mir keine letzte Träne fällt
Alles neigt sich dem Ende zu
bald gibt es für mich endlich Ruh
ich weiß, wofür das Warten war
Dem Ende aller...
Heimlich, still und leise
bricht der Winter in den Platz herein
Ein Schleier des Schweigens hüllt sich
um meinen Körper
Verdammt jede Wärme.
Ein kurzer Aufschrei, es war bereits vorbei,
viele Hindernisse starren mich an,
doch ich trete an, ein vorletztes Mal,
drei starre Blicke zum Himmel,
unsere letzten Schreie, es gibt kein zurück
heimlich tränkten wir den Weg mit Blut,
fremdes Blut
still gedenken wir unseren letzten Momenten
leise breitet sich Unheil aus
Fragen, auf die wir kein Antwort wissen wollen,
wir haben bereits gelebt...
Der Weg führt unter den 3 Schluchten hindurch
Leichenblaß , sein ewiges Gesicht
Tiefste Nacht, ein fahles Gesicht
Ein Schleier des Vergessens schleicht
und jedes Gefühl der Kälte weicht
Und Frost des Winters Hauch
tötet jedes Leben auch
Des Winters Fürsten sich erheben
lassen das Klopfen der Wälder erbeben
Unmut, des Mondes Segen
läßt in Nester Zwietracht legen
Verbreitet ist das Ergreifende
läßt ewig warten auf das Heilende
Durch die Lüfte reiten
um die Ewigkeit zu geleiten
Promo 2000
Die Krücken, das Irrlicht
Ich liege nicht
ich sitze nicht
ich bin einfach nur da
Aber für Euch nicht
Ihr seht Leere
Nur Einsamkeit
Alles scheint verloren
keine Wände an denen man sich halten könnte
nur Ecken im Raum
Ich bin Euere Welt
ohne mich seid Ihr ohne Ziel
die Krücken
das Irrlicht in der Sonne
Warum dreht Ihr Euch nicht
meine Ecken sind unendlich
Ich war schon ohne Euch da
Ihr habt mich nie gezählt
sondern erzählt wie ich zähle
Ihr merkt nicht meine Anwesenheit
Ihr merkt nur meine Abwesenheit
Ich halte Euch fest
bis ich mich drehe
Es geht gleich WEITER
Ich bestimme Euer Schicksal nicht
Es ist mir egal
ich bin auch jedem egal
mich kennt niemand...
Am 32. September
Schatten verfolgen mich
ich drehe mich um und lache sie aus
sie wissen nicht wer ich bin
ein Stern im Kosmos der Steine meiner Worte
ein Zittern durchdringt sie als ich meinen Blick auf sie richte
alles beginnt sich zu drehen
aber nicht nach links oder rechts, oben und unten
warum hören sie meine Schreie nicht
ich wußte doch schon alles vor ihnen
als gestern noch heute war
Ich wünsche ihnen alles Liebe aus dem Ende
sie wissen nichts doch drehen sich
der erste wird blass
blasser als ich es jemals sein werde
der Triumph des Verwelkens erfasst meine Füße
Mein Lachen dreht sich zu Hohn
wieso seht ihr mich nicht mehr
wer steht denn jetzt noch hinter mir
wieso ich und nicht der Rest
Wände bauen sich hinter mir auf
aber dort kann ich mich nicht mehr anlehnen
meine Narben verschmelzen mit ihnen
rot und trocken
Fanfaren wickeln sich um meine Gäste
doch ich habe keine mehr
ich habe (sie) aus Langeweile gegessen
die Runden werden kürzer
und die Wege trauern um mich
Vergessen sie mich oder drehe ich mich jetzt um?
Keiner weiß mehr wer er war, das Tragen beginnt zu weinen
Sing Thou Unholy Servants
Forcefed Into Blasphemy
The air is black,
gazing at your stone cold forest
In near reach,
dazed staring down at nothing
Wondering what you must see
They pray for your salvation
I know your true destiny
Sitting by a root of life
Branches grasp my soul
Praying hands mean nothing to me!
Satan whispers
Heed your blood to me,
I shall give you eternal life
Flames spitting forth their movement
I stare, wanting your powers
The forthcoming mist
Lying in a field of tear
Unconscious hatred black my mind
Why! Why!
Faith is for the weak, faith are lies
And give Satan your full mortal lives!
Rape religion
An Autumn Evening (Darkness Crave)
I see around me, the sunset so grey
Stretching their shadows, so far away
Beneath the cemetary, my footsteps tread
Lie low and alone, the silent dead
Beneath the ground, beneath the mould
Forever dark, forever cold, demons rape
Immortal souls
As they laugh, the night is born
Strike down christ, with mournless blows
An autumn evening, darkness shall crave
An autumn evening, Satan has slain christ
I dream of those who are no more
Sweet darkness, are you there soul
Demons of hell, I see you again
As hanging children's arms, weep in pain
In the fiery fields, place my blackened soul
In his narrow cell, forever reign
And shed a tear of blood upon my coffin
From each fallen drop brings me my
Darkest autumn!
My darkest fuckin autumn
Adversary (Taste Of Forsaken Desire)
Black hearted
Adversary demon of sodomy
Grant me your sweat of your winged body
My desire to fuck you is oh so arousing
As I make thee young angels watch in lust
Oh whore of the night I shall take your
Soul in fiery vein my venomous cock penetrates
Tampered places many have gone my worthless darling
Hope to see you when I return back my love
Beside my throne sits a whore
Submissive cunt cum to me and explore
Your forbidden desires (let the blood orgy begin)
As the stiffed demons dance around the priest
Of a dark distant (the dark distant air!)
Ridden coven witches stir their disease ridden cauldron black
Sickening secretion fills the gallowed
Hallways of immortal suffering cunt worshipping slut
One of the chosen few come forth and strip your skin
Show me your true form cloven hooves of power (run)
Shall rule the world
Rite Of Darkness (Bathory Cover)
Crusted blood on altar black
The rite of dark is done
The semen burn in sacred flames
The witches sing their song
The night is filled with joyous laughters
Orgy of the damned
Prepare for sacrifice by death
On my command
Infernal eternal
With the power in our veins
The rite of darkness
Candles glow with strength and glory
Blind the eye of sun
Demons rings the sabbath bell
The rite of dark is done
Naked bodies form the circle
Flesh and lust collide
Warm blood float and torrent faster
The wounds stand open wide
Sorcery blasphemy
Recite the words of spell
The rite of darkness
Deeds of Hell
The Shadow (Hill Of The Horned Goat)
Cold and black, the night shall be
Naked bodies filled with lust
I proclaim in my master's name
Receiving poor souls from which I take
Hatred for god, you all will follow me
Satan's disciples, I will set you free
In the feast of darkness
I shall feed upon your weakness
The shadows are cast upon the hill
Hill of the horned goat
Where joy forever dwells, hail horrors
Hail infernal world, and thou profoundest Hell
Receive thy new possessor
One who brings a mind not to be changed by place or time
The mind is it's own place
And itself can make a heaven of Hell
A Hell of heaven...
Better to reign in Hell than to serve in heaven
Sognariket Sine Krigarar
Her inne mødlo Fimraite å aorøya e framtii sine krigara,
uredde å stålte e rai klar ti å drepa, fø gudadn dai alt vi gjera.
Laia ao krigaren so atte ha vakna, laia ao han so alder kan daua,
laia ao han so ska herska, han so ha våre i aitt me mørke.
Drepa ska rai gjera, hødla ska rai verta,
ti gudadn ska rai ofra slik at udødelege verte mi.
Svikaradn so teke vaor era ska krigaradn drepa gjera,
svikaradn so spåtta vaor gud ska krigaradn ofra itte tur.
Fø krigaradn vi alder gløyma da dai kristne ha prøft å gjåyma,
da mektigaste rike nåkensinne,
so no ska råysast me ra sterkaste hate i gudadn sitt minne.
Dai neste tusen aori e vaor, fø svikaradn ska rai vera følde me krig,
hat å taore.
Krig... Hat... Taore...
Det Som Var Haukareid
Håyrde nåke so i skogen va, ondra meg pao kå ditta va,
I skjine ao maon va ra nåke eg saog, nåke so leea seg i skogen vaor.
Traska ondrande opp fø å sjao ken da va.
Da vakkje nåken, men nåke ra va.
Eg kjende ri va rar, men utn å kjenna.
Eg håyrde ri va rar, men utn å håyra.
Eg saog ri sto rar, men utn å sjao.
Eg følde instinkte å innøve eg for.
Ke konne ra vera, Haukarei va vaor?
Kår ai gran va so sjeli ti førfedredn (mi føle kårt ait skritt du teke)
Kårt ait kratt va so ai prøva (tanke å sinn e dá ain ao vinne)
Kårt ait glimt ao maon va so nye visdåm (visdåm e makt)
Kårt ait bøks va so å utvia herredøme å maira ska ru fao).
Itte ai stond eg stågga fø å sjao, her va alt eg konde dråyma om å fao.
Ditta vakkje Haukarei eg va vande me å sjao, men ait rike eg no skolde fao.
Mørket Sin Fyrste
Vis ikkje nåde o'store herre, slik vait ikkje bedre,
anger å graot, onde e an gudadn si makt.
Me sverd me øks å hammarslag ska rai alder mair sjao ljøse ao ain dag,
gjønoppstao ska vaort mektiga rike å ra ska'kkje spåttast ao rai so ha svike.
Ain haim å ait fålk, ait rike å ain herskar.
Treffe mi pao ain kristen fant mao han ofrast me ain gaong.
Fø her ekkje ra plass ti svikara, dåmmedag mi venta pao, krigara
Sognariket Si Herskarinne
Saognarike si herskarinne e krigarn å herskarn si kvinna.
Svikara vi ho ikkje ha i si ver, daira liv ska enda me øks å sverd.
Håyr pao hinna vise ord, krigarn e nåk stålte ao ho.
dai kristne svikaradn kan'kkje skaonast før rai stålte krigaradn mao
ain evig kamp førast. Gudadn staor i ain mørke skogge,
ain skogge so store å vie.
Herskarinnao mao allti sine vise ord gji fø svikaradn vi
allti prøva å øydlaiggja.
helvetes sjøga, fy faen fø ei stramme fittegjais da e ao deg!
Ska pula deg i brunauga so røvaskomme spruta... sjøga!
Men ain mao allti hoksa pao at kvinnfålki pao ai
an sia staor å ran stålte krigarn si råyst mao å ska allti stao høkst.
I Ei Krystallnatt
Ai jenta gjikk i krystallnatti, hinna skjede so raine å uåpna.
Hinna haor blafra i ran kalde vindn I maonaskjine saog ho ljøse ao vegen.
Vegen ti han ho fann.
Ain stålte å staute strismann.
Daira liv skolde no førainast i ai flåtte krystallnatt.
Snyen laog so kvite å fine Gudadn viste seg i maonaskjine.
Gudadn teke seg ao rai baiggje å om strismann' skolde faidla.
Unga ska no veksa opp i ait rike so staut å stålt
I mødlo fjedl å fjora. staor krigaradn, mi ekkje tjora, Røvhaugadn.
Mi staor pao vaor åfferplass, komma ska rai gudadn her oppao Røvhaugadn.
Lyden ao klinkande sverd gjere oss ti menn,
skjyedn bryte, onde makte skjyte mot Røvhaugadn.
Mi ska ta neste horisont, blo ska fødrivast me blo Røvhaugadn.
Bondn før oppstaobeel aolaina han for, ottamaole ra va å aovabøre sto.
utn styvingen fø i huga han va, sjao jite budkapen pao Flo.
Fram om Flatadn han komen va, ai bøsele folkafer han skimta.
Ittekårt dao han skjøna ke so va pao fere,
hildt han seg fø bringao å ba ti vaor Herre.
Ai likbør va pao veg.
Bondn ondrast ken følgje fø va, dao børi kom nerare fekk han svar.
Oppi kjistao laog grandn sin far, likblainke, velstelde, daue han va.
Bondn taig om dinna hiska hendingi, skolde verkle dauen ta grandn sin far?
To nete gjikk å bondn fekk svar,
fø ve kvelda feetabeel henta dauen grandn sin far.
Likbøri stemde.
Faren va daue
Arntor, Ein Windir
Da va i Kaupanger syslemennedn hildt ti,
han Ivar Dape å ain svikar ti.
Han Sverre Sigurdssån dai sverga ti, henta inn skatte,
aojifte å maira ti.
Støao ti Saongdøledn va'kkje hjao svikaren Kong Sverre,
men han Magnus Erlingssån berre.
Han Kong Sverre va redde fø å møssa Sågn,
ti Magnus dan ekta kongssån.
Like før Jol i edlevaaottitri, kravde syslepakke ekstra yting,
ti jolavaisla fø seg sjøl å nåken i.
Blobade skolde trast skji.
Arntor frao Kvaole i spissen, me Isak Torjilssån,
sønedn has Arnjeir prest,
Gaute å Karlsshåve.
Dissa staute karadn, Saogndøle,
Aisbyggje å Kaupaongsmenn, gjikk mot syslepakke kvitmessedag.
Arge å fodle ao hat.
Eplekjekke Ivar Dape ba om grid,
Arntor å karadn lyste ut krig.
Itte at øks om håve has svinga, va'kkje da mykje grid atte i bringao.
Aover midnatt va mannadrape, pao tjuvpakk å kjeltringa,
svaiti å han Ivar Dape aover. Å Jol da vart i Saogndal
Kong Hydnes Haug
Yst i ran mektige Norafjorn, frao gudn Nor si ti.
Yst i Lomeldi, heimsta Slind vart 'a pao Hydneshaugen
i ran sista helfti ao ra fjera aorhondra lakt ain haug før ain windir.
Ai mannalaonge kjista ao stain so alder breste.
I kjistao ve hass høgre sia ait laongsverd laog,
ai spenna ao bråns kappao hass hildt,
Ve fotendn to lairka me bisk.
Utafø kjistao ve venstre gavlvaiggj,
to spjut laog klar, håve vendt mot vest.
Alt ti feri... Men i førra aorhondra ottao børja,
uvitande menn me hoga fø jor,
rødde vekk fjortan aorhondra sjilefri i trihondra børe me stain.
Uvitande dai va om ottao, gudadn sitt raseri skapte.
Dan ivigvarande ottao so framleis herska haimst i Slind dan dag i dag.
Dar e ai bysle stemning, ait mørke follt ao kjainsle,
guda so kan ta frao reg da ain traingje meste, ait sinnelag.
Framleis ha maonge otta før å ferdast mødlo
Saoknardalr å Laikvangir itte kvelda fitabil.
Kong Hydnes haug...
Svartesmeden Og Lundamyrstrollet
Svartesmien budde pao Bjeddla i Saogndal.
Da va dai daga dao ra draiv trådl i adle grende,
or haug å hamra, adle staa i frao, å gjore jabnast ubya.
Some hadde tihelde aolmannavegen å skremde live ao farande fålk itte aodaga;
da felaste ao dissa va Lundemyrstrodle so hildt seg pao
Londamyri midt i tjokkaste bøgdi. Svartesmien aotte ait trållsverd,
Flusi nabne va. So hende da ain laurdagskveld at han etla seg pao utfer.
Han stelde seg, stakk Flusi i slirao,
tok ni bakkadn å følde vegen haim onde londadn dar han hadde myri framføre seg.
Ho skjain å blainkte i maonaskjine.
Å no saog han Londamyrstrådle so laog å sov,
styggjele stort å hadde braitt seg midt ut yve myri.
Men dao rann sinne i svartesmien, aotte han makt å sverd,
so fekk han no råyna daim bi gjera ende pao uvite.
Darme raiv han Flusi å rik staole rett i bringao pao ra.
Dao vakna fodla trådle å skvatt opp,
da vrai seg onde styngjen å fraista kvitta seg me sverdet.
"Stikk å drag" skraik trådle å tainkte å fao
Svartesmien ti å dra sverde aott seg atte.
"Lat staonda so staind ti maondags" sa smien,
å darme drog han vegen sin viare ti sjøs.
No laut trådle ti. Dao Svartesmien for haimatte,
va ra daudt, å so stakk han Flusi i slirao.
Men dao åpna ra seg tri porta hiti Låftesnesfjedle,
å utao dai urde å krauk ra trådl, smaoe å store.
"No e bestn daue, no e bestn daue!" skraik rai.
So kom dai å tok Londamyrstrådle mødlo seg å drog ra me aover
fjorn å inn igjøno ran støste portn.
Dar kvark trådlatye.
Siao lit portadn seg atte,
å fjedle gjåymde ra skremlige følgje i faonge sitt.
I laonge tie ittepao ottast fålk å fara her, å helst om kveldadn.
Da blainkte so onderle rao nire pao myri i maonaskjine.
Skrymsledn råyvde seg, å ri tyktest håyra trådlaskrik gjøno daln.
Kan henda trådli va attekåmne.
Føste gaongen di kom va ra med kvite krist å kråss,
maonge ao åss nekta å ta imot dinna bysle krist,
men nåken ao åss svikta. Jor å stidling i stan før haidn skjikk.
No mao mi ao å lima, ain kamp mot kristne fanta.
Torshammaren vart knuste, irstatta me ain kråss.
Sjonging ao tona, irstatta me bysle or.
Bloting føbåe, irstatta me gustineste.
Håvi vart brende, irstatta me kjørkje.
No mao mi ao å lima, ain kamp mot kristne fanta.
Dan andre gaongen di kom va ra so bedrevitara me sokadla konnskap.
Maonge ao åss nekta å verta so byfanta, nåken ao åss svikta.
Status å innpass i stan før sont bondevit.
No mao mi ao å lima, ain kamp mot byfanta.
Hauga å vådla føsvinde, store bygj å bue.
Spraoke vaort vert utvatna, ao ti å, i ti e.
Bjor å laug, ti søte vin å rapavatn.
Fjøsbrok å trisko, ti vie brøke å tåskne sko.
No mao mi ao å lima, ain kamp mot byfanta.
Mørke spaigla mine kjainsle, men da e ait hål i spaiggedl.
Ait hål so ikkje enda, akkorat so sakne i sjeli mi.
Håle e so sakne i sjeli mi. Sakne e so håle, endelaust...
Sakne itte nåke inårmt so eg hadde, da eg hadde va lika stort so sakne,
inårmt... Eg lika smerte, men eg lika ra igentle ikkje...
Eg skrike, men eg skrike igentle ikkje...
Eg dåyr, men eg dåyr igentle ikkje...
Eg sakna... Fø meg e mørke so dagen fø deg å ri andre.
Fø meg e dagen so mørke fø deg å ri andre.
Fø meg e skrike so lattern fø deg å ri andre.
Fø meg e dauen so live fø deg å ri andre.
Dystert da e, å tainkja slik, dystert da e, å vera slik,
dystert da e, å liva slik, dystert da e, eg lika ra slik...
Dystert e ra å dystert ska ra vera. Mørt e ra å mørt ska ra vera.
Ont e ra å ont ska ra vera. Sakne e rar, men da ska rar ikkje vera...
Da ain ikkje bør gjera e da eg sakna meste,
da ain ikkje bør saia e da eg sakna meste, du skjønna kå eg maina,
da e deg eg sakna adle meste...
Da eg ha møst ha saora, da vi'kkje bedra seg me aori.
Da ha berra våre ont, å sakna ha våre tongt.
Smerte, no lika e'ra... Skrik, no skrike eg...
Dau, no dåyr eg... Sakn, eg sakna reg...
Eg dåyr fø'ra eg sakna... Å eg sakna itte dauen...
Dying with sorrow not in hand
Welcoming my gods, an equal I am
A travel awaits before me
Encircled as a God, dead as a man,
An era has now ended, but a new era will come
While my destiny fulfits itself
I glance at the world with wisdom from the end
My efforts will now be rewarded as I enter Kingdom Come
My hate will now get fatal for those that disapproved me once
With my misanthropic these soon brought to life
I'll see an definite end for week, feeble minds
As I die I'll go further, further than any other man
To obtain powers and wisdom as a God from the other end
My death will be revenged with fury of the damned
My eternal life will be praised by the gods at the end
Sumaren elleve hundre og åttifira gjekk kong
Sverre til harde motåtgjerder
Drapi på han Ivar Dape med prest og følgje fekk hate større
Det største slaget i borgarkrigen skulle no trast finna stad
Horder av menn i brynjer med sverd ville enda opp i mannadrap
Ingen ante at bragdi hans Arntor kunne slike følgje få
Ved Hagastrondi på Fimreite låg Sverre sin flåte på fjortan skip
Med mål å ramma Sogndal bygd, kvar ein gard skulle brennast ned
Krigaren Arntor gjekk viljugt i strid for å sikra hans ætt evig grid
Gudane ved hans side og han Magnus med hær og skip
Utan sidestykkje
Eit voldsomt mannadrap
Ein eim av daud, fjorden raud
Svart, svart slag
Blodhemn rådde millom Magnus og Kong Sverre
Deira strid om Noreg si trone enda med
Magnus sitt fall med tvo tusen mann
Svikaren Sverre slost ikkje han
So i tøs han iakttok slaget frå land
Krigaren Arntor gjekk viljugt i strid kom alder
Attende døydde for grid Dag lei mot kveld
Ætti fekk vita
Arntor såg gudane so ein ekta windir
For å sikra hans ætt evig grid må krigaren gå viljugt i strid
Dance Of Mortal Lust
Mistress of beauty come dance with Me
Let your soul into my obscurity
Walk with me through the fields of fire
I will fulfit your utter desire
Feel the passion, enjoy the thrill
Release the fear, follow your will
Come to me and confide your trust
Join me in this dance of mortal lust
A veil of darkness cloth the mountains
The sun demises in red reflections
I look at you with lustful intension
As my heart pounds with beastly affections
The chill of night don't make us cold
We embrace each other so intense
We walk through nocturnal landscape
And inhale this diabolic ambience
This world belongs to us
This is our paradise
This world belongs to us
This is where weakness demise
All the fantasies of my wicked mind
All the secrets locked up inside
Will find their way and bloom at night
When you come with me to my forbidden site
Come take my had and walk with me
Let me show you our infinity
Where lust burns and the beast awakes
Let me guide you to my diabolical self
This world belongs to us
This lustful disguise
This world belongs to us
This is where evil arise
How does it feel to lose control?
How does it feel as I steel your soul?
How does it feel as I make you undress?
How does it feel as I ravage your flesh?
An empty expression as your face turns blue
Your beauty has paled now that I am through with you
Your screams are silent, your prayers won't be heard
The circle is complete as you become dirt.
The Spiritlord
It is he who holds the power
It is he who reflects the will
It is he who reigns the masses
It is he who urges to win
It is he who lights the fire
It is he who controls the flame
It is he who breeds hatred
It is he who withstands pain
The endless gap between servant and lord will grow stronger within us all
It is he who decides the course
It is he who takes the step
It is he who moves forward
It is he who worship himself
The endless gap between servant and lord will grow stronger within us all
From order raises chaos
In chaos there is progression
In the ruins of man's ashes
Sprouts the resurrection
A dark narcissistic dimension
A new world to come
The end of civiliasation
The arrival of the Spiritlord
It is he who lights the fire
It is he who controls the flame
It is he who breeds hatred
It is he who withstands pain
Altered perception a moral decay
A feast for the vultures circling over their prey
No care for others an individual war
Where you are enslaved or become the Spiritlord.
Ei likbør hadde han sett komma
Sigande frå Trodladalen opp Lundamyri
Audmjuk han i akttok synet
Kven hadde dauden i teke
Med otta han keik i kista
Børi hadde med seg, Daud, velstelt
Hvàllætti han var
Etter dette han visste at Arntor aldri kom attende
Ja, stolt han kunne møta dauden
Gått viljugt i strid for å sikra ætti grid
Gått mannadrap so ein krigar byrg
Nekta trelldom, svik, ofra liv i grid
Men so hemn for oppreisa og slag
Ville svikarane setegarden ta
Ein gard so store at den på ein dag ikkje kunne gå
Tilmed heiden grunn garden er tufta på
Ei nye ætt skulle setegarden rå
Sette livet til for ætte og æra miste både setegarden og sæla
Men då dauden var nær vart han heidra likferd
Ein tragedie for ætlingane dette var
Skulle dei verkeleg missa slik ein gard
Vreida hans Sverre ville ingen ende ta
On the horizon I stand
Watching the fallen men
Victims of hatred, greed and desire
In retrospect I feel no anger
Only a urge for something higher
So many have fallen due to my ambitions
So many have fallen in the name of narcissism
No men are free to disagree
Without facing their mortality
Destroy all dreams
Illusions damned in fire
A hellish need for power
Is my dark desire
Fresh blood streams from those who are dying
I put an end to their misery
Always chasing never creating
It is in their nature to obey
Molested bodies chopped by axes
Drained corpses stripped of flesh
Blood-coloured water swallowing men
A sight of horror
A monument of hell
The women bury and mourn their men
A state of sorrow a pain that will not mend
I increase their sorrow as I rape their seed
I put them to sleep if they disagree
I burn and slay until you obey
I rape and destroy your legacy
On the horizon I stand
Watching the fallen men
Victims of hatred, greed and desire
In retrospect I feel no anger
Only a urge for something higher
So many have fallen due to my ambitions
So many have fallen in the name of narcissism
No men are free to disagree
Without facing their mortality
Destroy all dreams
Illusions damned in fire
A hellish need for power
Is my dark desire
Black New Age
Dressed in black with a pale expression
I attack the world with extreme satisfaction
I am the master, never more to be enslaved
Broken free from the chains that restrained my needs
There is time, but no time to waste
There are rules, but they seem to fade
I am the master of my own salvation
A black cloud of obscure creation
This new foundation, a new generation
Bottled up on misanthropic hate
A revolution, a new constitution
From real hatred, rather than blind fate
This new foundation, a new generation
Bottled up on misanthropic hate
Rebels in the face of conformity
Founders of the black new age
This is my life
This is your hell
This is my exhibition
And it makes me well
What you can't stomach
You no longer can stop
You must eat your hatred
Or choke it up
All things must be broken down
Burned to ashes, bombed to the ground
A process of purification, where old mistakes are cremated
No carrier of infection will survive
No corrupted thoughts shall sound
The new empire has found its ground.
Journey To The End
A vague shadow lurking in the dark
A sane man's worst nightmare
A vision containing death
As a wake in honour of himself
For equal sane mortals
It's a nightmare becoming real
But I...
I see it as the Final clause of a neverending deal
I embraced my vision, as it was common for me
A fate, a destiny, an inevitable early death
Finally I'm dead
And the vision is revealed for everyone else
Resurrection Of The Wild
Every move that we make are for our own sake
You see yourself in the eye of others,
why the hell do you bother?
You are the civil man dying for a Promised Land
I live in the wilderness to avoid human emptiness
Firstborn in the hall of the mountain
Wandering through the endless woods
Surviving on weaker creatures
This solitary ambience feels so good
With love for myself I have no need for pride
i avoid human contact I live my own life
Your aggressive and selfish fright,
keep you awake every night
You hide in the shadows from the past
But the past resurrects and makes the pain last
Wounds from times best forgotton
Are reopening with a smell so rotten
In the hours of despair
When wounds open and grief overwhelms
You close your eyes and cherish moments
From a simple yet so perfect time
When anxiety didn't haunt your mind
A variety og choices
Multiplicity of stupidity
Either path chosen
Lead in the same direction
The abyss seem unavoidable
For the man without affections
Gje han evig kvile
Gje han sjelefred
Gje han sælt minne
Martyrium evig liv
Gir ein heila livet
Martyrium da blir
Vis han evig kvile
Vis han sjelefred
Pris hans sæle minne
Pris han evig liv
Martyrium da måtte skje
Atjan hondra lik drive rundt i fjorden
Da skjine i lunke blod under Hogen
Men ein e gjennom Dauden boren
Med Gudane han e foren
Seduced by the fire of power
Blessed with the gift of deception
I will become the reigning master
Fullfilling my desires for perfection
My strength is your comfort, your shield and protection
Your godly awe is my injection
So easy to tell you what you want to hear
Even easier to hide my actions
Using the gift of rhetoric
I drown you with my complications
Through a perversion of liberty I offer you monarchy
In the name of reality I give you tyranny
By the filth I reign, conquer and deceit
Building my empire on your defeat
A mission, a vision of a dark desire
Using your fear as fuel for my fire
Bow! I am the master, you are the puppet in my game
Die! I control your laughter, you worship my name
Clever as the fox, strong as a beast
I am the puppeteer reigning on fear
I create the fear I produce the enemy
You give me pleasure and sovereignty
There are many truths, I chose narcissistic one
By the time you see my nature,
I am long gone
Eit helvetes svik
Eit avvik frao tru og æra
Ei handling utan omsut
Ei grueleg bør å bera
Naor da e so mørkast
Naor natti ikkje bli te dag
Dao e da lett å faddla i freisting
Dao e da lett for sviket å fao tak
Da e i dissa stunde ein lyte visa ken ein e
Da e i slike stunde sjeli vele veg
Ao oss ha du faott tryggleik
Ao oss ha du faott styrke
Vele du å fara ut med andre
Dao e valet gjort
Ætti dan e alt, du e ingenting
Leigge du ni sverdet e da eit blodssvik
Da ekje lett å velja, og valet kan verta hardt å svelja
Svik ein ætti ao veitskap og manglande mot
Dao e sjeli fordømde, og ein kan ikkje gjera bot
I mørke ao sorgi itte ættdlinagdns fall
Kretsa åtsle i kring og plyndra vaor gard
Itte generasjona me slit, skal me kjempa
For garden skal atter drivast ao Kvåle ætti
Merka ha de faott at landet uten konge har gaott
Saknet itte grid e stort i slik ein krig
Harde tider ha da vore for landet
Men trast e alt ved da gamle
Da e Fanden han trur pao han Sverre
Med sine meinrao og kunster
Men Fanden e slik gir framleik ei tid
Men pao slutten endast svik
Mot Sverre Prest da drepast skal
Staole skakje neri slirao kvila
Likehendte ke so føre oss bli drepe
La Saongdøledne herska over eige rike
Gudane me lovar å fao seieren i hamn
Ikkje vil eg bera kongsnamn i slik eit land
Dar lausungar kreve krunao
med våpen i hand
Da e uvandt i å skifta mat åt hund og ramn
Ilske gjerningar samvitet hans rir
Inga elenda ugjort da svir
Bøtast da mao prisen e sæle
Dyrt da e å herja kristna land med eld
On The Mountain Of Goats
The Mountain of Goats I shall reign
A sight where hate gains
A sight where evil reigns
The mountain of Goats
Under the sign of the Devil
Chanting our song to reach a new level
Preparing a kingdom worthy a throne
Seated by me, me alone
With rape as means I'll breed
Securing the throne with the sperm that we need
My throne will survive with terror and fear
Constant aware that the traitors are near
A path of evil a river of blood
Shed for me because I'm God
Unleash the Devil within me
All this for me because I am the King
On the Mountain of Goats I shall reign
Hordes will toture and kill in my name
My kingdom and throne will continue to grow
As the Devil continues to feed on my soul
Sognafjorden ligge mørke og blanke
Møddlo viddle fjeddl
Braott so lyse so lyse fjorden opp
Frao himmedl høyre ein tordenskreddl
Eit dimt lys so bli klarare mot land
Lyset vise veg
Pao gravferdsdagen e da dar baoten vi sigla
Dao e da likferd
Feigdaklokkene kime, dao veit ein ke so venta
Dauden e komen, kem e da han ska henta?
Lagnadstundi e komen, dauden ha sendt bod
No ska livet enda, no e da tid for sorg
Uglao site å remje pao take
Dao veit ein da ekje noken veg tebake
Feigdi ha varsla at ho inkån skal henta
Eg veit kem, men lyte berre venta
Dinna dagen so addle frykta
Frao dinna dagen kan ingen flykta
Ao jord e ein komen te jord skal ein bli
Kroppen e daue, men sjeli e fri
Dagen dan e komenm da e dommedagen min
Livet mitt ha enda, eg ha visna inn
Eg kjempa ti eg daua, men kampen blei for hard
No e mi tid ute, eg ha faddle i dag
Feigdaklokkene kime, dao veit ein ke so venta
Dauden e komen, da e meg han ska henta
Ætti Mørkna
Å bli staoande slik med husbonden vekke
Ingen son, ingen mann, ikkje nokon gard
Ken kan no hemna Arntor den rake
Vil åtti nokongang fao æra attendes
Sviken ao mange sviken ao eigne
Keleis gjekk da til møste alt i ei vending
Visse pao seier huga til krig
Ufatteleg å tapa ba alder om grid
Grådige tunger godset misunner
Høgsetet lokkar meir enn sæle
Trui at rangen til banemannen fann
Skapte splid innåt setet millom svake træler
Ærenamnet rissast naor sogao skal rissast
Ken kunde vita ke ufatteleg mykje
Banehogget til Arntor hadde å sei
Stort da e å vera konge med rike
Men betre å vera mann utan å ha svike
Visse på seier huga til krig
Men i tapet ulma splid
Æra sett tå spel for ætti
Mao likhauga mørkna føre soli
Ort der Einsamkeit
Ort der Einsamkeit - tief in mir drin
verflogen, die Hoffnung nach Erfüllung
erloschen, der Glaube an traute Glückselichkeit
zurückgeblieben, eine leere Hülle
allein unter Menschen, tausenden von Seelen
Feindseligkeit, Unverständnis
alleine - voller Fragen die keine Antwort kennen
alleine mit dem eigenen Schmerz
Meine Seele, ein Ort der Einsamkeit
doch in weiter Ferne nach steinigem Weg
zeigt sich ein Ort der Zuflucht,
doch der Weg war umsonst, die Pforten verschlossen
kalter Wind weht den letzten Funken Hoffnung aus meinem Leib
Ich bin wieder allein, allein unter Menschen,
eine leere Hülle, von der Hoffnung verlassen
Kälte die sich in meinem Herzen einnistet
nur noch Hass und Verzweiflung in mir, sonst nichts
Die Entstehung
Umgeben von sonderbarem Licht
Man kann die Bäume singen hören
Es fließt der Bach des Lebens
Klänge des Kampfes
Tote Körper treiben im Wasser
Dunkle Seelen verdunkeln den Horizont
Das Licht wandelt sich in Dunkelheit
Zerstört ist das Gefühl der Geborgenheit
Der Bach färbt sich rot
Die Entstehung steht bevor
Schrei der Verzweiflung
Schreie die niemand vernimmt
Hilferufe die niemand versteht
stehe ich verlassen im Angesicht meiner Trauer
In der hoffnungsnehmenden Leere der Hilflosigkeit
Einst sah ich Licht
Einst hatte ich empfindungen
... doch was ist geblieben???
Schreie der Verzweiflung
Ich schaue zurück in meine Vergangenheit
Voller Nebel, Düsternis und des Wahnsinns
Ich bin am Leben
Aber ist dieses Leben ein Geschenk
... oder nur eine sinnlose Bestrafung
Die Zukunft ist ungewiss - was wird sie zeigen???
Kann es noch schlimmer werden?
Wird die Verzweiflung den schwachen Lebensdrang besiegen?
Enttäuschung und Hilflosigkeit
Ich kann nicht mehr ertragen
Das einzige das mir geblieben ist, sind
Schreie der Verzweiflung
Ich träumte einen Traum
Er wurde zerstört, bevor ich ihn zu Ende träumen konnte
Er wurde mir aus den Armen gerissen - aus meinem Verstand
... Und ich stehe vor Trümmern die sich zeigen, grau in grau
Meine Seele stirbt den Hoffnungstod
Mein Traum von einer besseren Welt ist der Hoffnungslosigkeit
gewichen für immer!!!
Wo ist mein Traum
Alles vorbei
und ich kann nur noch Trauer und endlosen Hass empfinden
Der letzte Funken Hoffnung in einem Meer aus Tränen
Für immer!!!
Der Weg in ein anderes Dasein
Träume - Wege aus der Qual des Daseins
Tore in eine andere Welt
Leid der Verlorenheit
Schlaf - endloser Schlaf bis in alle Ewigkeit
Seelenschmerz gezeugt von Menschen die nur leerer Körper sind
Gedanken an das Ende
Verursacht von Schmerz und Pein
Es werden Visionen geboren
Visionen der Zerstörung und des Untergangs dieser Menschheit
Geister die verlassen weinen
In den Wäldern der Verlorenheit
Geister die den Schmerz über die Menschheit tragen
Gleich des Todes Nebelschweif
Ich werde einer dieser Geister sein
...Die Asche eines Lebens
Regen fällt vom Himmel
Wind schiebt Wolken vorüber
Schwach ist die Sonne
Alles bleibt grau und trist
Ein trüber Schleier verdeckt den Horizont
Regentropfen fallen von Bäumen und Dächern
Die Augen werden geöffnet
Zurückgekehrt ist der Verstand
Der auf fernen Reisen war
Zurückgeworfen in die Realität
Zurückgekehrt sind die Gedanken
Jede Bewegung fällt schwer
Der Mund ist geöffnet doch kein Schrei ertönt
Zurückgeworfen in die Realität...
Treibend im Menschenstrom
Gefallen ist der letzte Regentropfen
Doch die Sonne bleibt verborgen
Umherirrend in einem Labyrinth aus Beton
Ziellos, willenlos
Treibend im Menschenstrom
Zu Boden gerichtet ist der Blick
Am Boden sieht man keine Gesichter
Eingesperrt im Kerker der Gedanken
Treiben im Menschenstrom
Zerrissen sind die Träume, die einst geträumt
Der Mensch ist des Menschen Feind
Einsam unter Tausenden
Feindlich ist die Umgebung
Festgelegt ist der Kurs
Tiefer, immer weiter, schneller, vorwärts
Treibend im Menschenstrom
Nun ist es still geworden
Es legt sich der Schwindel
Aus Umrissen und Schemen
Wird ein Bild geboren
Ein Leben ohne schlechte Erinnerung
Die Hand nach der man greift
Zieht sich nicht zurück
Ausgefülltheit und Wärme
Ein Blatt im Wind...
Alles Illusion!
Der Schritt in die Tiefe
Erblindet ist die Sicht
Durch das Auge des Kindes
Alter Schmerz geht
Neuer wird geboren
Wiedergeburt durch Zerfall
Zerfall durch Wiedergeburt
Nun vollends erwacht
Umgeben von Menschen die so fremd sind
Tag für Tag - endlos!
Zertreten das Blatt
Das zuvor mit dem Winde flog
Das einst Geliebte rinnt gleich Sand
Durch die gespreizten Finger zweier Hände
...meiner Hände
Es fällt eine letzte Träne
Ich kann mich nicht daran erinnern
Verzweifelt erhebe ich meinen Blick
Ich kann eine undurchdringliche Wand sehen
Auf ihr ist das Wort "Leben" geschrieben
Ein Schritt, tiefes Fallen
Rabid Death's Curse
The Limb Crucifix
Show me the face of uttermost madness
Reveal the mystery of time reversed
For in chaos lies mights forgotten
From which we all have emerged
Crawling from wombs - a vast reflection
A rupturing from deformed flesh
Yet a false revelation, a pointless effort
For the truth of all life is Death.
For your bodies form a giant shape
That cast shadows across all lands
Filled with the greatest of emptyness
Falling as it stands
A crucifix of flesh and bones
Lifeless, yet trembling in fear
For as sulphurflames are it's consious
And the smothering is near
Emptiness spawn, pale stillborn breed
Blinded at birth and forever to be
His tusks pierced through eyelids and tounge
Not even Death can set you free
..sense the smell of burning flesh
A titanic symbol of death's overture
Impaled on behorned pain
The limb crucifix, built on remains
Of the cursed breed of Cain
It cries and it suffers, burning within
Reaching towards the sky
Anguish shaped by bloodstained flesh
A shadow of Satan, longing to die
Rabid Death's Curse
Born into a fatal illness
Ascension unto a graceless sphere
Yet the chain forged in sulphurfires
Emerges with them through labias lair
The stench, the curse, the sacrilige divine
The enduring of rupturing cold
Brought to life, crushed to dust
By an impenetratable presence of dark
Incarnation of plauges and of longdead pests
Fornication of all brought to life
Shadow majestic, spell infernal
At the core of mankind as a lifefeasting tumor
This curse if to haunt and to kill and to crush
For it's claws are the flesh of all life
It's eyes are the souls that burns at hell's heart
The ones who are blessed from it's strife
This plauge is to die and again to be reborn
Through eternity and beyond
For it is life, the rabid death's curse
Cast by the firstborn, never to be gone
Of sharpened steel and of hanging ropes
Is the cure of this illness made
For all lifes that walk are possessed by a curse
And in the end it all shall fade
Blessed from the filth
Touched by the mystery
Carressed by the dark
Left as a snake to crawl and to curse
May the seas they boil
And the napalm rain
Let mankind fade
For still it shall reign
Behold the burning of earth
And your feeble creation
Still cosmos shall tremble
Beneath his domination
On Horns Impaled
Bow for me, inferior
I demand you in the name of the horns
For I am the one
To bring the demise of the bearer of thorns
You who's father
so pityful upon the cross died
Behold it inverted
And burning under the nightsky
Inferior lord of heaven
Your might shall fade
Jesus has wept
On goathorns impaled
Unclean vermins, scum of the earth
Blow your heads for the dark ages birth
Black fire cast your flames high
Above the realms of light
Behorned father Satan
Show them all your might
Taste the blood
And the decayed flesh of his sons
Behold the desecration
Of the weaker and feeble ones
A cross burned black
Soaked in sacred blood
From all of us to all of you:
Go fuck your jewish god
Inferior lord of heaven
Your might shall fade
Jesus has wept
On goathorns impaled
Black fire cast your flames high
Above the realms of light
Behorned father Satan
Show them all your might
Life Dethroned
A pallid shape is floating
A lurid shroud of fading life
What ones was a place so glimmering and bright
Has ignited itself and burnt out of light
I canonize thee, lord of the odius
For enlightening the path to perpetual might
For guiding me on this voyage
With nothing but scornful mirages in sight
Devour me, oh immense shadow
This locus is cursed, shroud me forever
Damnation be my lodestar
For humanity carves my veins
I've been nailed to a cross of anguish
Crucified above to behold
The blind, the loathsome's strife in vain
The holyness of those who should suffer my pain
Lunar strains of morbid grace
Reflections of nocturnal mysteries
Eternally hidden for their eyes
As what awaits behind...
Branded by the unpure light
But still, You like I
Reaches for the dark
And even further...
As symbols of life we are fading
To were this twilight reaches night
A pallid shape is strangled
As my soul and his darkness unite
It wont shine through
Believe it, you're never to see
That my flesh is carved with spells
Of mankinds destiny
Blessed with contempt
For what has edged my strife
And through sacrilegous veils
I dethrone life
Walls Of Life Ruptured
Spawn of the darkest evil divine
A creation of the holy womb
Step aside for lord Sathanas
His fist so deep within
A servant am I and in flesh am I captured
Holy flesh and holy sin
Oh, the strength it does not take
To deny life's lying pleasure
Their wars stills my hunger
The tears in their eyes still my thirst
Yet their life's feeds my despite
...eternally to be cursed
As it opens for me
In darkest desolation I behold
My blood runs cold through my veins
Running in vain
Lands fall behind my eyes
And humanity is bleeding
And in my hand I hold the key
To all living holy glory
...and all that is evil
The womb of life is rotten black
The seed of light dried dead
The fist of Satan deep within
Behold the cunt of life in sin
Behold the purest evil
The creation of a higher force
Lurking within all of man
Stronger than every life and lie
Feel the coming of a storm
Of wrath burning red as blood
Thundering forth
With poison in veins and death in the eyes
Under banners as mirrors reflecting
The darkness above and below
And the eye...
The eye that is him
Bonecrush, bloodlust
Behold the remains of jehova in the dust
Suffocate, Desecrate
For Satan's return - Angelrape
Warlust fill my veins
As bullets in the heart of humanity
Darkness drown me
As carnal shreds of light soaked in blood
Cursed to wander
And to eternally despise
Forever to stride
For evil never dies...
The beauty of destruction
The passion of death
In your ashes
Bonecrush, bloodlust
Behold the remains of jehova in the dust
Suffocate, Desecrate
For Satan's return - Angelrape
Mortem Sibi Consciscere
Created by them
Yet reborn through him
Blessed from life and lie
For the cunts that are licked
By your gentle tounges
Are raped and cursed to die
So far beyond
Your rottening grace
Yet trapped in smelling chains
For the bodies you caress
I have cursed
And put cancer in their veins
The blazes in the night called stars
Are reflections of your kind
Pallid and fading lifes
Spawned and guarded by darkness behind
For what dwells behind those flames
Is hidden for your eyes
And just one single glance
Would transform your smiles into cries
There is a war in my heart
While yours is thorned by my nails
For you are nothing but dead
Beneath those carnal veils
Rejoice as emptyness grow thicker
Feel it's grasp around your neck
The hour has come to release
And to welcome the razorsharp fate
Feel the jaws of the snake
Slaves under cosmic contempt
Mortem sibi consciscere
Your key to achievement
Casus Luciferi
Devil's Blood
Ageless, eternal in grace
Behold the snake of temptation!
Eyes gleaming with wisdom
Tounges telling of truths inversed
I have swallowed the hanged mans semen
With necrophageous delight
And let the Devil enter
With all his might
And in unbearable shame, enlighted by your fathomless dark
I kneel unto thee, father, i am opened
Let your daggers pierce through and their poisonous grace be unleashed
through these hungering veins
The impurest of blood, the greatest of pains!!!
The Devils blood
The curse of salvation
The odious essence
of His holy revelation
It floats from the garden of eden
In malevolent grace
The Devil's blood
Through the pentagram's maze
To open the gates to where deformations form
To unearthly mysteries and fire
From stigmatized wounds now the river of gnosis runs free
In the glorious light of the five point star
Darkness, starlight in eyes
The path reveals so clear now
I drink my own blood yet the taste is not mine
I behold my reflection yet noone stares back
Driven by a lifeless hunger
Must have it stilled
Drop by drop, curse by curse
Until all three cups are filled
This soul prayeth not for victory, but for loss
This body kneeleth not in vain, but in blood
These eyes seeth not nil, but truth
These words are spoken not by me, but through
The Devils blood
The curse of salvation
The odious essence
of His holy revelation
From the tounges of the serpent
Into chalices three
The Devil's blood
Runneth through me!
Black Salvation
Visions of hornshaped shadows
A burning firmanent black
Trembling in the glory of a star
Delightfully glowing with evil
Ten signs to spawn
A thousand of children
And to be given strength
Each time a heart it beats
For they gave birth to the sun and the moon
To cast shadows upon life
And to burn the slaves that in madness gaze
With scorn from serpent eyes
Just as cancerous cocaine
Deep in the veins of christ
The malignant curse divine
Floats within you all...
You all!
May the holy light of Satans might
Burn my eyes!
This filth is not worth the glance...
Shining steel with Devil's seal
Cut my flesh!
Let them lick the blood
In the ashes of my fallen temple
And just as cancerous cocaine
Deep in the veins of christ
The malignant curse divine
Floats within you all
And the bonds are burning
Along with His eyes
Forever to brand the heart of god
Forever... spearing cosmos core!
For it was that light
That branded the Devil's mark
Into my flesh
My soul and my heart
Never to close these eyes
Never to still this thirst
High on the cross of sophia
Through black salvation I hang cursed
Opus Dei (The Morbid Angel)
And all that is holy, holy shall be...
Let the light bless and
let these words proclaim the blessing.
Let the seal be broken and let the light prevail;
Let the earth be scorched and let the light prevail;
Let the wrath cleanse the world from opposition...
...and let heaven spew brimstone on sin!
And all that is holy, holy shall be...
Let alive the word's proclamation,
Let the laws of The Books be the laws of the earth;
Let humanity be sin and let denial be bliss;
Let the wars cleanse the world and
let their fear show their path.
Let the Light reign over Man and beast,
let the Lord strike the sinners with plague,
let the Lord our God reign for eternity;
and all that is Holy, Holy shall be...
For the carnal and earthly mouths of Christ
He has made blind and as vices they are
Let their words and acts be spears and be chains
Tormenting the weeping face of their god
From the valley of Sodom to the hill of Harmageddon
Behold the holocaustclouds and heed the trumpet's roar
A Charge more forceful than ever witnessed
May the Angels of Heaven shed the blood of Man
Behold, the new and true Gospel,
the words come from the Lord himself,
Redemtion through death!
Salvation through fire!
And all that is holy, holy shall be...
Let the light bless and
let these words proclaim the blessing.
Let the seal be broken and let the light prevail;
Let the earth be scorched and let the light prevail;
Let the wrath cleanse the world from opposition...
...and let heaven spew brimstone on sin!
Let the prophets of double voices free
And in Gehinnoms splendour eternally
Let them BURN for their true majesty
And all that is Holy, Holy shall be!!!
Puzzles Of Flesh
Blinded soul, vomit faith
fingers reaching deep
Senses made dogmas
And the Phoenix rises...
None is denial
I am not one of mine
His words unlocked
Backwards, reforming what won't reflect
Assembling puzzles of flesh
Perfect... yet unknown!
Sigils encarved, the burning stench reveals frustration
None could deny Him!
Carrying the voids of those eyes
None is denial
I am not one of I
My words unlocked
It reveals through the fall
Staring at the abyss, getting further
Through mirrors...
Flesh & mind complete, in need for substance!
You are denied
You are not one of He
Your words are locked.
I Am The Earth
He lives through me
All of what I am
The needle of hamartia
Injected in the flesh of man
With the soul of a carrion
Sleeping, yet awake
For underneath this skin
Crawls eden's cursed snake
Hic est draco caudam suam devorans!
You may have felt it's cold
Carressing down your spine
Gently yet with strength
And with a morbid touch
For its real shape is a razor
Smeared with the Devil's seed
And infected with it's plauge
Are the scars from which I bleed
I am the earth
Chained to horns
Its ground is my flesh
Pierced by Holy thorns
I am the earth
Burning deep within
It's water is my blood
Blackened by my sins
Swallowed by His mystery
Lots within it's maze
The bridges behind they burn
from the pyres of Hell's grace
One after another
The stars fade into black
He has called my name
There is no way back...
Pierced by His will
Trapped within His lair
My flesh shall be the sign
Of that fires are to fear
For those who walk upon me
Shall be punished for their turns
I am the earth
And within me the Devil burns!
I am the earth
In the shadow of the Lord
A crucifix of flesh
Yet sinfully adored
I am the earth
As your life with me does blend
I am His truth
The world without end...
The world without end.
The Golden Horns Of Darash
All ysop burnt, all fruits are poisoned
Zaddik failed and Zebaoth lost,
The lambs are banished, the temple is soiled
March on white ruin, infernal host
So come forth, Lord of the triple number
Rise, oh trinity of DEATH, DEATH and DEATH
Burn this vermin world in its most deep slumber
And to all of Sheob, give the sulphur breath
Blacken all their ghastly colours
And freeze to scorn their charity warmth
Smear our sin to their most pure innocense
And nail them all to the cross!!!
For they live to die, we die to live
Our beginning is their end!
While they fall with twelve, we rise with seven
So wake the astral serpent by Thy pale hand!!!
All ysop burnt, all fruits are poisened
Adonai failed and Elohim lost
The lambs are slaughtered, our temple shines golden
Crawl on your ruin, seraphic host ...
And my tongue speaks ancient names
Forbidden psalms above the flames
My heart pumps but void into my veins
My puls runs slow, too slow for chains
For chains that tie me down to earth
For chains that keep up this organic curse
...for I see horns...
...golden horns...
...for I see horns...
From The Pulpits Of Abomination
No less real than those whose voices echoes through the starless abyss
No less cruel their nature, no less harmful their intent
Of sinful seed, of soiled womb, circling the five wings throughout eternities
And in a tomb beneath the pyramid of faith, as a crown lain at their feet
Behold the pillaged and impure remains of a god who failed
Guarded by the giant pillars to be moved by the Devil alone
For they are the stones of the throne of christ which He swallowed
and exhaled unto earth as his own!
Thine gills art dried!
Iesous Christos Theou Uios Soter
Where there was heart shall be vertebra
...For your children have been led astray!
Quench thine thirst with my urine
Warm as love it shall rinse through the salt in your lungs
For the thirst of the desert strangles all senses
Tempted art thou and noone can resist Him...
For what is the worth of a godless prophet whose tounge since long has dried,
in completeness bereft from grace?
Through milleniums tormented by the eternal eye and it's piercing vigilance
Doomed to fail, for what hope can you ignite in their forsaken hearts?
When in deluge thou art fallen, your scriptures are altered and your doctrine
rewritten in blood?
What unity in tribes long scattered?
What glory and hope in a cross that is shattered?
Hark! The mourning wails of defeat echoes throughout centuries!
The horns of the baphomet in the wounds of jesus thrice
An alligeance of flesh and steel, unto which titan altar we all kneel
Hark! The reversed words of Yahwe from the pulpits of abomination!
See him now possessed and reborn, the fallen messiah alight
At the burning crest of the serpent's spiral smiling in confusion
Fear all ye faithful for no longer on his forehead a crown of thorns
In the shadow of the bloodstained cross Christ has risen... with horns!
Iniquitys mystery revealed!
Iesous Christos Theou Uios Soter
Where there was thorns shall be the horns of a goat
For neither in life or in death are they absent!
The greatest of creations laid to waste!
Malformed and depraved limbless nothingness son of a whore
Two nails in your hands for both father and son
And in the dirt of your feet piercing the holy spirit
Casus Luciferi
From the vaults below the deserttemple
To the throne among the stars
In the hearts of us, your children, oh divine luminary
Thou shineth!
Like sunbeams penetrating the foundations of the earth
Thine grace ignites the seeds of creation
And in our veins is stillness, as your shadows come to life
For they are like whispers speaking of
...death in heaven
Behold the black cloud of corpselike birds
Their wings are on fire
And their song has turned backwards
A morbid cacaphony singing of...
A new dawn!
Burn my flesh, thou light of lights
Most eminent perfection, most magnificent of sights
Mark me with thee, stainless Ar
Most real, so clear and bright they shine both eye and star
Descend upon the dead, black sky
By a grace of just one glance they all shall die
Pour the bitter wine of salvation into our blood
And let our scars form rivers flooding the kingdom of their god
Let the immense gates of heaven open
Let the dawn of justice come
When a thousand pale and silenced faces
Turn towards the sky
To behold in fear and wonder how the firmanent turns dark
By the sound of a lonely trumpet calling
And countless birdlike carrions falls reeking from above
Embedded in a red glow telling of...
A burning dawn!
For this sunrise shall not wake you by the foul light of Christ
But by Satan's fire burning in your eyes
And the thundering voice of a lion over the plains of man
Shall proclaim the horned phoenix final rise
For it is not rain that falls tonight from the black, ominious sky
But sulphur tears from the last flock of birds
And the wind carries the smell of death, from the agony in their hearts
As the fly in nameless fear towards...
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